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Nick Baker's Weird Creatures


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Anyone been watching this? It is on at the stupid time of noon on Sunday's TV1.

He is better looking than David Attenborough and funnier.

Yesterday he was looking for hellbender salamanders. Some of them, in a particular area of the US, are dying off and they don't know why. They were suspecting a fungus, introduced by African claw toed frogs, but in the end they were still unsure.

Last week he was in the bayous looking for alligator snapping turtles. At one point you saw him standing in the swamp, flicking through a reference book, trying to identify a small turtle he had caught. He grinned and confessed that that was what they spent most of their time doing - looking through indentification books working out exactly what things were so they could sound knowledgeable, but usually they edited it out. :lol:

He then held the turtle up, after flicking through for ages and finding nothing that matched, and announced "This is a turtle!"

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Sorry but David Attenborough leaves them all for dead he is far better than them and he's the one who started the whole nature doco's as well.i actually watched a documentary on him was very interesting.The new guys are all the same they all apear to be trying to be the next steve irwin who they will never be and i would rate him right up there with David but these other guys are just pretenders.But i do like the fact that he is going after creatures etc that havn't been in the spotlight so to speak as allot of the animal stuff you see has been done countless times before by many different people.

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Nick wasn't on this Sunday! We had a repeat of some stupid car show trying to look like Top Gear. :evil:

I had to look up Bear Grylls to see who you meant. His wife must be very understanding as they have 3 sons. Calling one Jesse is fine but I must say I feel sorry for Marmaduke and Huckleberry :roll:

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I have nothing against David Attenborough (but wouldn't mind having something against Nick :lol: ), I was merely saying how much I was enjoying his series. I also enjoy the Attenborough programmes.

Quite right too Caryl, Attenborough is good, but so is Nick Baker - and I like his down to earth delivery too. Its all very "honest" the way he does things and presents them. I think Attenborough has a tendency to come across as somewhat officious at times, Steve Irwin came across as way too OTT, and Jeff Corwin can just be downright stupid. Having said that, to have the knowledge or experience of any of them would be a great achievement in itself.

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i disagree i think the way attenbourgh talks is fantastic and as for steve irwin maybe you miss took his enthusiasm for ott but if you read the book by his wife terry you will understand that it is nothhing more than pure passion for wildlife and its preservation and in my opinion we need more like him.i would totally recomend the book it gives you a fantastic insight into the man and terry as well i never really liked her much but after reading this book i have a whole new outlook of her.another thing about him was everything he made went back into wildlife etc how many of us would be that selfless?

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i disagree i think the way attenbourgh talks is fantastic and as for steve irwin maybe you miss took his enthusiasm for ott but if you read the book by his wife terry you will understand that it is nothhing more than pure passion for wildlife and its preservation and in my opinion we need more like him.i would totally recomend the book it gives you a fantastic insight into the man and terry as well i never really liked her much but after reading this book i have a whole new outlook of her.another thing about him was everything he made went back into wildlife etc how many of us would be that selfless?

I dont think i mistook anything. But one thing this post has highlighted is that everyone has different opinions and thank heavens for that as we would all be very boring if we all thought the same way :wink: The cynic in me has to think that Terry Irwin has been advised to do a nice little PR exercise because the way it sounds that book portrays her is not the way some of the staff at Australia Zoo have done :-? Anyway, to each their own.

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I dont hold Terri in particularly high regard either (but have never met the woman so reserve my full judgment).... On the other hand I think Steve's heart was in the right place (oops that came out wrong???), some of the things he did though were a little stupid...

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What I liked about Steve Irwin is that he was so enthusiastic that you couldn't help but feel enthusiastic about whatever he was talking about too. I kinda think Terry and Bindi are in it for the money though. There just isn't that same love that I saw with Steve.

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I dont hold Terri in particularly high regard either (but have never met the woman so reserve my full judgment).... On the other hand I think Steve's heart was in the right place (oops that came out wrong???), some of the things he did though were a little stupid...

a lot of the things he did were VERY stupid. given he had a family and young children, who are now without a father. selfless maybe, considerate to his family ? no. IMHO

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What I liked about Steve Irwin is that he was so enthusiastic that you couldn't help but feel enthusiastic about whatever he was talking about too. I kinda think Terry and Bindi are in it for the money though. There just isn't that same love that I saw with Steve.

Bindi in it for the money ? She's ten and a half years old for heavens sake ! How many ten year olds do you know who are "in it for the money" ? Sure every kid likes a bit of pocket money, but lets keep it in perspective. If anything it would be Terry who is in it for the money and using her kids to play on that (which makes here even worse in my opinion as it boils down to exploitation - both of a minor AND of the good nature I don't deny Steve had).

Caryl - you have opened up a can of worms here - sorry we are all hijacking your post, maybe most of this thread should be moved to a new one ?

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I did not open a can of worms. I merely asked who else enjoyed Nick Baker's Weird Creatures programme. I did not ask for a debate on who liked, or disliked, other presenters. :evil:

I suggest you get back on topic and leave the subject of the Irwins alone. Since none of you know them personally your opinions on their motives, or behaviours, are moot.

Since it is obviously a hot subject I will not be moving it into a separate thread either as I can see it getting out of hand very quickly.

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look a suggest ya read the book to get a better understanding of both of them i thought the same of terry but after reading the book i have learnt a whole lot like she was into helping wildlife and doing allot to save cougars back in america long long befopre she met steve and she has the same passion for it she just didnt come across the same thats all.as for the money they used what they made to buy land to precerve the homes of endangered species for example some 800 hectares to preserve for the tasmanian devil.but what terry did say is when they did look at what land to buy steve always tried to find some that had good surf as he was mad keen on it...but i would hardly call that greedy.honestly read the book its very good and there is some quite funny stuff in there he was a real character.

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look a suggest ya read the book to get a better understanding of both of them i thought the same of terry but after reading the book i have learnt a whole lot like she was into helping wildlife and doing allot to save cougars back in america long long befopre she met steve and she has the same passion for it she just didnt come across the same thats all.as for the money they used what they made to buy land to precerve the homes of endangered species for example some 800 hectares to preserve for the tasmanian devil.but what terry did say is when they did look at what land to buy steve always tried to find some that had good surf as he was mad keen on it...but i would hardly call that greedy.honestly read the book its very good and there is some quite funny stuff in there he was a real character.

Thanks for that, of course I'm talking from a completly outside perspective. Something just strikes me wrong about that kid. At the end of the day though, the ends justify the means; if kids out there become more aware about animal rights and welfare, then who cares about the weird kid?

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