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air pump quality


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hi all im after a good quallity and quiet air pump will need to be around 20L/min

now ive got about 10 Hailea brand pumps and they all have started well and as time has gone by they have slowly gotten louder and louder.

so whats a good brand that people have used and know that are quiet as its going in my bed room

Cheers Matt

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I'm probably going to get shot for saying this but "EHEIM" makes great pumps. v v quiet too. but you'd expect that when they cost over 4 times the price of a normal pump. :lol:

if you can score a Rena - those are good too, I have a "STELLAR" pump which is silent, and good... and ive had it for more than 4 years now.

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now ive got about 10 Hailea brand pumps and they all have started well and as time has gone by they have slowly gotten louder and louder.

That's more a trait of diaphragm pumps than of poor quality ones. All will get louder and louder over time as the diaphragm and valves wear. Get a rebuild kit, should make it nice and quiet again.

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hi most of them are just on a year old cant be bothered rebuilding them every year

They generally cycle at 50 hz(Matching the mains frequency) which gives it 4,320,000 cycles a day or 1,576,800,000 per year. So, your pump has been working hard all year and done nearly 1.6 billion cycles and you can't be bothered spending 15 minutes to give it a little diaphragm change? How fair is that? No wonder they get noisy and annoyed at being underappreciated! :lol:

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