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furry algae on tank and plants..


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How do I stop it?? water is changed weekly, I have anti phosphates in the tank filter. Have tried the alcovec (or whatever its called..) and have even removed some plants to reduce the build up but it still comes back. There is not really any direct sunlight I have that blocked out. Any ideas? cheers

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Doei it look like this???

If so, I found rams horn snails mow this stuff. If you can tollerate the snails you will have it dissapear after a few weeks.

I avoid adding chemicals etc to my tank at all, and prefer to find out some natural ways to rid of algae.

The only algae Ive used chems on was Cyno, and thats not really an algae, but rather a photosynthesizing bacteria.

Check out this link for som excellent algae ID pics and descriptions, it also tells of common causes and preventions.


Scroll down the page for pis etc


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yeah, i want the stuff in supasi's post. its awesome! my tank will look so much nicer with it!!!

Um Phoenix, it takes over and covers everything, I mean EVERYTHING.

You dont want it!!!!!!!

justyns, Yeah that looks like the start of it. Do you have snails in your tank??

I found the best way to get rid of it is to keep up water changes and allow Ramshorn snails to take over the tank for a while. You will never get rid of the snails once they are in there, hence asking if you already have snails.


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you WANT that stuff?? I've scrubed like mad to get it off my driftwood and Anubias!

Easy to clean off anubias.

Just do a bleach dip. Anubias is prety hardy and will put up with a fair bit off abuse and neglect.

Pm me and ill give you a link that tells how I do it. :wink:

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Easy to clean off anubias.

Just do a bleach dip. Anubias is prety hardy and will put up with a fair bit off abuse and neglect.

Pm me and ill give you a link that tells how I do it. :wink:

have no more of this (THANK GOD - touch wood :o ) I ended up clipping off a few leaves 'cos it got quite thick and with the addition of my SAEs it's hardly noticeable :D needless to say I have BIG FAT SAEs now

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thanks for the feedback! just did did a bit of research found my lights are on far to long! 15hrs per day.. dropped it back to 10hrs/day. Also found those Ramshorn snails up in the filter breeding so not sure if I should help them into tank or not as they are said to be a pest and I am not sure what they will do to my plants! Also tested the phosphate and it is thru the roof. I have phosvec and aslo phosvec granulat which helps but does not seem to eliminate. WHat do you think is causing it? the river stones? the sand? hmm

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guilty as charged :o lol. i feed them too much hikari. i like having fat little piggies.

I usually do water changes once a week. sometimes 30% .. sometimes 50%.. sometimes i just let the water drain from one end and let it fill from the other. its all very random. fish are strong. :lol:

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I usually do water changes once a week. sometimes 30% .. sometimes 50%.. sometimes i just let the water drain from one end and let it fill from the other. its all very random. fish are strong. :lol:

I think having the tank heavily planted helps lots. Makes any slight neglect in regards to water changes, more forgiving. :D

Well that my experiance 8)

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i can never seem to grow any algae in my tanks! not even when my phosphates are off the charts :( its weird.

how on earth have you managed to pull that one off??? :o:o:o

i am sick of the BBA in my tanks. have a siamese algae eater, but i can't put him in a couple of my tanks to clean it as he would get picked on / eaten.

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