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Navman service


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I just wanted to let everyone know what excellent service we have received from the Navman people.

When we went to add UK maps to our old Navman (who we called Gavin, no idea why, he just sounded like one :roll: ) we were told it was too old but they offered us a new one plus NZ and UK maps (which we would have to wait for as they were still in production), as a trade in, for a very good price so we got them.

We had been using the new Navman for 4 months when it suddenly died. We contacted Navman and they told us we had to send it back to them. We packaged it up and sent it to Auckland with a note asking that it be dealt with quickly as we were due to take it on our overseas holiday with us in 2 weeks time and needed it urgently.

Grant posted it Tuesday and today, Friday, a brand new one arrived as replacement! They had transferred all our data and settings into it as well. Can't complain about service like that! :bow:

All we have to do is load our new UK maps into it (which had arrived the day after the thing died :roll: )

Kudos to Navman personnel :hail: :bounce:

Now we have to name the new Navman. Since he has an Aussie accent (the Pommie one sounds too condescending) I think we will call him Bruce :lol:

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yeah the kenny movie was cool is it actually based on a real person? only caught like the later half of it

nah he was fiction but splashdown company is real. the entire cast were friends or family of the two brothers. their dad is actually their dad & Kenny's son is his nephew. if you can watch the "making of" dvd it will make you appreciate what they achieved with such a small budget.

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