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Interesting food to feed fish


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I like to give my fish a varied diet, and was wondering what sorts of interesting food you feed them?

Is there any reason why I can't feed them dried fruit; raisins, apricots, dried banana?

a bit off topic i know but for ur puffers have you tried tetra minikrill from packet: min 62% protein!"complete organisms, includinding the shell, are an excellent source of protein and roughage for all tropical and marine fish. my puffer loves it so does my bumblebee gobies (even my freshwater burmese bumblebee gobies which are bout 8-9mm long and normally only eat daphnia and occaisional bloodworm)

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a bit off topic i know but for ur puffers have you tried tetra minikrill from packet: min 62% protein!"complete organisms, includinding the shell, are an excellent source of protein and roughage for all tropical and marine fish. my puffer loves it so does my bumblebee gobies (even my freshwater burmese bumblebee gobies which are bout 8-9mm long and normally only eat daphnia and occaisional bloodworm)

Nah, I try to avoid packet food as much as I can because it's so expensive and they're little piggies! I'd much rather feed them up on cheaper food, but I'll keep a lookout for it. What does the packet look like?

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i freeze lil bits of meat(mince chicken mussel beef) in the small trays frozen blodworms come in. all the meat i use is raw when the cube are frozen i pop it in a snaplok bag and put put back in the freezer think of it as tv dinners for fish. 1 of my frogs will also eat chicken if handfed (well will eat anething if handfed, even try ur hand)

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