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my female betta refuses to breed with my male


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i have a female crowntail who has a egg spot and when i put her with my boy she got vertical stripes. his nest was pretty pathetic but he fixed it up when she went in. it was great, but she kept hiding, coming out for air then hiding, he hasnt really beaten her up. more danced in front of her all flared up. he looked impressive. but i think she may have only been bred with CTs before. my boy is a VT. impressive spread though. im taking her out tonight if no spawning. then try after a day or two.

i want to know will my girl get sick if she continues to refuse him. ive heard they can get like egg bound or something. id hate to lose her. my boy looks really down when he flares and dances adn she still ignores him. but he has been nice to her and not tried to beat the crap out of her...yet.

can anyone help me. how long should i leave her with him. shes been with him since 6am this morning.


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if they not fighting leave them in there

if she gets too full of eggs she will just drop them and ul have to re condition her

just feed them well on live foods (misquito larve) or bloodworms

leave them to it they will do it when ready

but dont sit there bugging them... imagine someone watchn you all the time :P

just make sure they not getting frustrated at each other as they can turn nasty fast... ive lost a female and a male before due to this

Good luck :)

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they arent trying to kill each other, geez the female is going no where near big scary looking male. i should have got a larger girl. but i thought my boy was small (guess hes not). he has tried grabbing her and wrapping her up. but shes not interested. im leaving them to it. the nest he made last night is awesome. he dances in front of her then goes back to his nest like she is meant to follow then goes and tries again. everynow and then he charges at her.

they LOVE bloodworms, my young ones went nuts over them. we going out this morning, hopefully eggs when we get home. ill keep an eye on her to make sure she still has eggs.


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he pretty much leaving her alone. she has some java moss she is hiding behind. he just bothers her if he sees her come out then he chases her, but she doesnt look like hes taken a bite or anything yet.. he built a really awesome nest. hes letting her come up for food so thats good. at least hes not trying to steal her food.

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so the vertical bars mean she likes him?? why will she go no where near him then? he built an extremly huge nest, very impressive he danced for her adn wanted her to follow him to his nest but she stayed hiding, he looked massive when hes flared up. could she be petrified of him? i would be he looks rather scary racing around all flared up etc. when i put the bag in the water she barred up and he stayed there staring at her. not trying to kill her. ill leave her with him tomorrow, coz i need to get her a new heater on monday. i dont mind if i only get a few fry

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generally if she bars up she will breed with him

just maybee not rite yet..

they seem quite peaceful so id prob leave them too it.. just keep feeding them blood worms

what i did when they were in the spawning tank was feed them individual worms off a skewer .. that way only eat what they need. then siphon the waste (poo) out to keep the water clean

can be time consuming tho

i had one female that bar d up the min i got her home.. so i stuck her in straight with a male... they spawned 2hours later

it was so painless and easy... none ive introduced have gone that easy before :P

as for your 7 unsexed fry, you could try introducing them. if they are not fighting already then you should be sweet.

one fish will always try be the alpha male... or Female in some cases , ive got one little 8week old halfmoon female that was the boss of the communal tank to females that were almost a year old and full grown! was funny to watch

let us know how you go

you prob wont get a huge spawn but you should be susprised ... my last one that i thought was average hatched over 180fry.... and have only lost about 10-20 since in last 4weeks....

im going to be over run with crowntails soon


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thanks, i am crossing a BLue VT with a Red CT dunno what babies i will get. hes buiilt the biggest nest so far last night. they keep getting better and bigger.

hes not activily trying to find her and hurt her. just a bit of chasing if she is out of the moss. will let u know iuf any babies. need to clean tank today.

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You'll get a mix of blue and red babies and some blue with red wash in them. Tail type will be a mix also, some vt, some maybe like a good ct but the majority will be combtail or (I can't remember what its called) look scalloped edged. Unless the vt female has some crown in her and then more will throw some sort of crowning.

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sorry its a VT blue male and a CT red female. i took her out coz looks like my boy has fought with her and she has bite out of fin. will let her get bigger for a month or so i think before i try again. i think she was scared coz he is massive. does anyone have a nearly fully grown female?

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The lighter the female the harder the bars to see. I can never tell with my yellows but they seem to breed like rabbits anyway.

I put three pairs in to breed last night, let the females out this morning, hopefully they will spawn early tomorrow. The males have nice nests but two pair are very young still (ct's) so we will see.

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