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Help!!! Flagyl in my Discus


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Well I brought a discus off someone and when I went to pick it up in another tank I saw this sick discus and asked if I could have a go at fixing it so he came home as well, I have put him in a 30lt tank with no lighting (just natural) and sent a photo of him to a person in the know at my local pet shop where she said he looks to have flagyl. I no it's not worms because the person I got him off doses all his fish with prazi. I have got the temp at 30 deg and running the filter with no actived carbon.

So far I have only put some melafix in the water as medication as he has some knocks from the trip home. He has a good appetite on peas and discus tucker which I'm feeding about four times a day then changing about 35% water daily and taking out uneated food. He looks to of perked up heaps swiming around the tank instaed of sitting there and good colour to now.

So it's such a long story but thought I'd give a run down on the history. Thanks for your time.

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Flagyl is another name for metronidazole, not a disease.

What are the actual SYMPTOMS this fish is showing? You say it looks sick but also that it has a good appetite and is swimming well.....

I wouldn't go treating anything with antibiotics before you know what you are doing.

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Flagyl is manufactured by Pfizer and is the registered trade name for metronidazole and is used to treat parasites in humans and can be used to treat parasites in fish also. I would suggest you get advice from someone who actually is in the know. There are people on this site who do know what they are talking about in relation to discus and diseases of them. They have imported and or bred them for many years and I'm sure would be happy to advise if you can post a picture and as much info as you can on the signs and behaviour of the sick fish.

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Thanks Caryl but how do I get your e-mail, I have written a PM but can't find how to send it and as I only joined yesturday havent had time to properly learn how to use this website, I'm glad people are trying to help me but I'm getting quite confussed with how to contact people and I fear that my discus will be suffering at my lack of computer skills. :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Yep did that for pm and hit the submit button but the messages are still sitting in the outbox not sent box!

As for a description of the illness well please scroll through the posts these arent the best of photos but I think the disease I was told was flagellates not flagyl :oops:

Hey Ron i'm still trying to pm you so bear with me while I try to sort it out :hail:

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It is a slightly confusing system, but handy: messages go to your outbox after you have sent them, then your sentbox when the other person has seen them. Handy way of knowing if someone has looked at their message yet.

Personally I don't know how your fish compares to a healthy discus, am not a tropical fish person. Someone will :)

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Got your PM Meg. Can you take a head on shot of the fish. That fish looks to be pretty stunted. If the fish is eating well and the poop is not fluffy white in colour, then it probably needs to be properly fed with high protein food three times a day with daily water change of 50% or more. Keep the temp at 30 deg with an airstone in the tank. PM me your address .


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  • 3 weeks later...

I just want to say a big thank you to Ron and everyone else who tried to help me with my discus the male is doing well in a couple of weeks or so I will add him to my display tank but sadly the female discus died today :cry:

I will be on the look out for a nice blue female or other colour without bars in the near future if anyone knows of something at a reasonable price please keep me in mind.

Cheers Meg's

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  • 1 month later...

I must have a wild caught type x discus then because I have had him/her for four and a half years now and he/she is a very happy contented fish that follows me around from one side of the tank to the other and not one day has gone by without his/her bars showing also very bright blue and light brown in colour on body with the brightest red eyes!!!

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Hi Megs,

I am a vet based in Tauranga, so may be able to help you with this sort of thing in the future. I'm not hugely knowledgable about fish diseases, but I have kept a variety of fish over the years and have several tanks set up at the moment so have run into the more common problems over time.

You don't have to buy a whole bottle/box of metronidazole. You can work out how much you need for a treatment course and then get a prescription for just that amount.

As mentioned elsewhere here though, it is important to diagnose the problem first otherwise the treatment won't work and will contribute to problems like drug resistance.

Feel free to PM me if you need a hand. I get lots of helpful info from these forums, so I'm keen to help out forum members if I can.

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