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Propagating Swords


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But at least not Thrice.

Might it be a preponderance to ask one to describe the general conditions of such a leafy edifice. One may impose oneself and ask for a photograhpic representation but one does have troubles viewing such conflagerations at this propensity.

Yours in all good faith Sirs

Navarre Esq.

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you two are trouble id hate to see both you 2getha in person :P

if its got plantlets then its doin really well keep doin what u are doing depending on how big you want to grow them before you pass them on , i normally let the get roots the cut off a runner with 5 or 6 plantlets on it then cut them up separatly they grow so quickly though they will prevent light from getting to plants underneath them

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Echinodorus species have bisexual flowers and the emersed flowers may set viable seeds that will grow. Emersed plants don't normally have roots but the leaves develop more quickly than submersed because they get more light. When the plant has plenty of leaves you can drop the crown into the water and it will grow roots.

The alternave is to put lead weights on the runner and keep all the baby plants submersed and obtain all submersed growth with roots. Whatever takes your fancy.

Where da pic?

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Also watch the new leaves on your lights.

They might burn/ dry out

And I would never prepose such a preposterous happenstance Alan.

If one shall continue to follow such progressiveness one shall be enticed to suggest one is insinuating that ones very malesness is at question.

(I mean I am a nurse discussing the propiagtion and flowering of plants...oh how I hope the boys in my rugby team dont find out)

However....one does bow to your hitchikers guide like knowledge of all things plantish...(speaking of bisexual flowers)....an elf in a past life perhaps?

And now back to skaffen...if proposed vista doth please thyn eye as much as mine then pray continue. But heed this advise as it is given from The Voice of all things plantish, it is gave in good faith and hopefull recieaved as such. Live Long and Prosper in a learned environ for a rose by any other name shall be still a rose

And for those of you following this happenstance count the references in that prose for now looking at a his watch, I must be off for I am ever so late it must be said, and if I am late again twill be off with my head.



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If this was parliament the speaker would add the word bisexual to the list of dubious words permitted in chambers. I am glad to see that this reference to the sexuality of flowers has been taken in the spirit it was meant. How could it be any other way--My grandmother was an english suffragette who signed the pledge at an early age. My how things have changed.

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They can produce plantlets vegetatively by themselves and have flowers that are both male and female. Some plants propagate vegetavely and have seperate male and female flowers eg. Sagittaria. Some swords are more likely to produce viable seeds than others. I put a runner grown emersed from E.martii into water to encourage it to grow roots--which it did, but a while later there were baby plants growing in the bottom of the tank and small plants floating round the top. They are not that easy to grow on though.

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