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130L tank - ideas please


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I am thinking of setting up a 130L tank and having some nice freshwater tropicals. I would be interested in some ideas, thoughts, photos etc, on what I could have. Any suggestions welcome :roll: . Have thought I might like an easy to look after community tank with a few tetras and some angels, but not sure about compatibility etc.

Thanks in advance :D:D:D

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you are some what limited with a tank of this size what you could have in it if you arn't planning to get anything larger, certainly most fish will require a larger tank when they become adults.

I started with a 30L, then moved onto an 80L then to a 200L as the fish grew from fry to adults. the smaller tanks, with the addition of a 130L tank are all now used as breeding/fry/grow out tanks & the 200L is for display of some of the adults.

I do know someone that has a tank that size with africans, but what he does is sells them as the get bigger so basically always has juvies in it as he is not prepared to get anything bigger.

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Dwarf Cichlids would go good in a tank that size.

Rams, Bolivian Rams are some of the more easy to find ones.

You could safely keep tetras with them.

They are neat to watch, as being a cichlid they have interesting personalities. :wink:

perfect size for this- dwarf flags and apistos can add to the dwarf list.

A planted tank with wood and rock hiding places with a pair of dwarfs and a school of dither fish will give you heaps of entertainment.

You could chuck in a BN or GBA as well

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Hi Stu, not 100% sure at this stage, but am looking at some small schooling fish of some sort, probably tetras. Would like a couple of larger fish as display fish, have started researching some of the options others have suggested. Don't have room for a bigger tank which is a shame. This is an ex salt tank that I am re-doing. Currently houses a solitary seahorse which is in the process of being re-homed. Having a change of direction in the fish keeping area :lol: . Tank is black top etc with black stand and painted back. I will keep the dark look going with a dark rock/substrait. Not sure of plants as the tank height may be limiting with the light availability. Will want a bottom feeder, open to suggestions here. Any help or suggestions are most welcome. Not a novice, but not an expert either. Thanks in advance :D .

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I have had a community tank with my 620T (slightly modified), angels loved the tank, they were breeding no stop till i sold them. Now it is housing a few different types of barbs. Outfitted with a rock wall, drift wood and heaps of java fern. Will try get a photo up for you shortly.

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If you want to keep it darkish you could go South American, that includes tetras, blue rams and corys. Also most Asian/South American fish get by together well and with similar water conditions.

Other dwarf cichlids include the apistogrammas family, I know you can get the Cockatoos fairly easy down here. Also... Not SA but cheap as chips and very easy to find is the Kribensis. Quite a nice purple-ish looking cichlid, it doesn't grow too big, similar water conditions as Asians/South Americans and quite peaceful too. I've heard that Cockatoos and Blue Rams don't get along, but I don't have any first hand experience... yet :wink: Still waiting for the Cockatoos Phil sold me to grow up a bit more. :roll:

Also if you don't mind shelling out some extra $ look at Hatchet fish, one of my favorites.

Maybe few corys and one or two bristlenose plecos (again don't grow too big unlike some of their rellies) too.

A site to look at is this - http://www.badmanstropicalfish.com/profile.html

It is an American page, but most of the fish listed there are down here.

Stu :)

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Thanks again for all the fantastic ideas :hail::hail::hail:

http://www.badmanstropicalfish.com/profile.html is great. Has just the sort of information I am after.

Will keep doing my research. About to get the tank cleaned and ready for action (this weekend, or early next week), so will still be a few weeks before I go fish hunting (shopping)! There are certainly some amazing choices I could make if I had a bigger tank, but that is not an option.

Any other advice or suggestions welcome.

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good ol badmans aye?

they sent me a t shirt a while ago.. american sized XL is really large, lol


I know what you mean; Cape Pond Ice sent me a XL T-shirt when I was doing some research on the Andrea Gail... I'm 188cm/6'2" and it fits like blooming womans night shirt! :o And it's pre-sunk :-?

tetras look cool in a planted tank!

Very true, so do Vampire Tetras...

...just kidding :bounce:

Stu :)

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Ok, have found some amazing weathered Puriri while out walking :o . If I clean it up and keep it well soaked so it sinks would it be ok to use in the tank??? Long angled piece that could be securely propped up to create hiding places, it has several crevices that could hold plants higher up so I would get different levels. Has not been treated in any way, so a`la natural!

Been investigating some of the different tetras, have not decided on which ones yet as it is too soon for final decisions. Looked at some juvi blue rams today as well, look real nice. Will wait for tank clean, refill and cycling before I make the final decisions. :lol: Can't wait, but I know I have to.

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