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Hi everyone - I'm Donald and new here. I've just finished school and, after the eternal holiday is over, will be a student at Auckland University.

I've been keeping tropical fish for 5 years now, and love it. My 'speciality' is bronze cories, and I breed them pretty frequently. At the moment I've got 40 ready for sale, and about another 30 just born - so if you're interested please let me know! I also keep and breed GBAs and also have Sterbai's and Peppered Cories, a beautiful angel, a lovely Borneo Sucker and a Blue Zebra cichlid. I have 10 tanks.

I'm also pretty good with Java programming, and at the moment I'm building myself an application to manage my fishkeeping: what fish are in what tanks, water tests, water changes, income, expenses etc, all presented in an easy-to-understand way... If anyone would like something similar to make their lives a bit easier please let me know! :D

Looking forward to learning plenty!

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