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Tank build 3 metres x 1.2 x 1.2 - Video added


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the jar made the move with one split fin

1st aro no damage the next one, big girl snout and fin damage

lars probably because he had already been moved that long before decided to do a big wiggle as he came past the tank top

all have recovered nicely with some marks still remaining where scales got taken out

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:D nick

the tank is outside and i am using naural sunlight for lighting

i am hoping that being outside may correct their dropeye

feeding live food from the top first then some dead stuff

only time will tell

could always put a cage of finches on top to make something to look at :D

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where the big boys and girls play


That is SUCH an awesome photo. :hail:

Is 'drop eye' a real condition? If so, that is very interesting...does it correct quickly with the right conditions?

Oh, I hear that giant gourami are extremely popular for eating (in Asia), very few bones and delicate flesh... :roll:

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very good jennifer :D

gourami goulash comes to mind

drop eye is a problem prevalent in tank kept silver aros

and there are many theories behind the causes

i personally feel that in a tank they spend much of their time looking down for food and other fish

even aros fed on floating food have developed it though

so will be interesting to see what happens over the next few months

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just had cricketman in and he was blown away by the colours in the fish under natural sunlight

the silver aros are showing a lot of red especially the males

the jar has always been a darker colour david, just think under the flouros it paleed him up a bit

probably got darker with age, or i just see it every day so haven't noticed it

it gets a lot of comments from the bigger fish fish keepers

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