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Makes you wanna cry...

Stu :)

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Hey I don't mind Americans nor their accents :P Plus the female of the species is much friendly then the local variety :o

Yeah the hatchet fish are so much cheaper... makes me cry into my coffee every time I see liveaquaria.com's website. A decent sized school would be the same as buying three or four down here.

Stu :)

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The ass is greener?

Hell yes!!! :bounce:

They probably buy a million and get a good discount and don't have to quarantine them for 6-8 weeks. We buy ten and pay a premium for the ones that fell on the floor while preparing the order for the States.


Same happens with camera gear, the big NY stores buy enough to tell the manufacturers how much they want to pay for them! Hate to think of my Hatchets as floor sweepings... unless they jumped the tank when they overheard that they where off to the US.

Stu :)

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I know our lfs had some birchirs for about $120 each, how do the yanks get them so cheap? Is it because they are closer to importers etc?

Supply and demand.

I don't really care about the price difference, I'm more upset at the fact that we don't get any of the lower jaw species of Polytperus here. I'd rather have expensive fish than none at all, I shed a tear every time I see a yank on MFK asking if US$40 is a good price for an 8" endli...


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Oh I dont know about cleaner either..once at band camp I knew this yank girl and she was way clean...but its a family show.

And 350 millon to 4 millon lets put all that 1080 into prespective shall we especialy when we compare McDonalds rubbish piles.....!

I guess when you have no governance you can get what you want...when you get what you want it makes things more....common...therefore of no value.

Hmmmm wonder what they would pay for live nocturnal kiwi tree bears?


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not sure what you're getting at about no governance??

you gotta love the pessismists re the clean/green issue aye... go check out LA or some asian areas for perspective. no one's perfect but we got it a lot better than many other countries. i don't take nz for granted; today i looked up into a cloudless blue sky, crystal clear stream running down the left, wild flowers growing on the right, bliss. and that was at work! in the recent happiness survey that came out on tv/radio they said it helps to appreciate the small things that you do have. :)

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