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Aqua one CF700 or CF1200


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Hi, I recently purchased a 3ft 125L tank, and I'm looking at a filter. I plan for the tank to be heavily planted.

I realise that the CF700 will do the job, how ever I'm open to the possibility of just having 4 full grown discus in the tank, for this am i better off going for the CF1200. there is only a $20 price difference so I'm not really botherd which one i get.



PS could someone please tell me the RRP of these filters.

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Fluval is horrible IME, they bring out new models too often and stop selling parts for the one you may have only bought a few months ago.

Our 2 just crapped out so i went with aqua1 and havent had many problems so far(except i couldnt prime the 1200 to start with.)

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i find that the fluvals pieces fit more snug, i have jebo and aqua ones to compare..

i find fluvals are more reliable, rubber is better, the plastic is tougher and harder almost impact resistant (dropped one lol)

priming them is also easy, except the hoses dont fit all tanks with bracing. but you get around that.

fx5 for example compared to the aqua one aquis series is so superior in build quality.

but i guess its differing opinions.

strange though, i had an fx5 a few years old, new model came out the impeller and rubber seals and hoses all are still available

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Hi All

Buy a "VIA AQUA 750 PRO" and you wont look back.

I use two VA 650's and one VA 750 and I havent had a spot of bother with any of them, and they are about five and six years old.

I won't fix wont isn't broken. :wink:


i have a via aqua 650 pro & its identical to the cf1000 i also have. i even swapped over the taps. from what i understand the via aqua was rebranded as aqua one. Is that correct?

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Hi All

That is because when the "KONG" Brothers started in business in their Australian garage they got the Chinese to copy the VIA AQUA because it was the worlds leading cannister filter.

And it was originally designed and produced in Italy.

They even chose the "AQUA ONE" NAME from the Via Aqua as it was a highly respected brand name.

The Via Aqua is twice the unit that an Aqua One is, hence a Aqua One needs to be rated at 1200 to be equal to a 750 Via Aqua.


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I disagree the Via Aqua is twice the unit as the AquaOne

They produced identically and come from the same Factory

Plus the CF1200 name comes from its Max flow rate where the Via Aqua has a running flow rate of 750

Now these stats are exactly the same on each unit

Alot of products are mass produced in China and then rebranded for whoever is wholesaling them

I know if I wanted to import the canisters and I bought enough I can get them in whatever name I decide

Imagine that

The FreakyFish 300

I just took the 300 as thats how many gallons an hour it will pump at its Max

Davy Kong sold the Via Aqua Brand for quite awhile before branching out into their own AquaOne brand

The Via Aqua750 and CF1200 are identical


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FWIW....The Aqua One is the same as the Atman, made by the same factory and rebranded as Aqua One. And by the way, you would have no show of buying "any" quantity of Atmans from the factory as the Kongs have it sown up. You can buy the Atman products off secondary buyers, say for the China 240volt market. But the plugs are different and by law you are not allowed to use adaptors in NZ. I know :-)

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