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Stoked - just had to share :)

Insect Direct

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You forget how small they are.cool :bounce:

:D fully they grow up so quick its really neat seeing babies again :bounce:

are they from brother/sister mating?

as it happens its 1 of yours x'd with one from Sim- often wundered if they close rallys to yours? suppose to have/be red but they look similar to the bds i got from you i rekon but still def not bro and sis :D

Its just the way things turnd out and probably for the better but otherwise i probably would of bred bro and sis do you think that could cause trouble?

do they have extra thumbs and play the banjo ?

sure do and an extra eye, oh and is it normal they glow in the dark :lol:

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probably better that we do our best to avoid related matings where possible.I have 2 unmated females here because I can`t get hold of a male nearby to use and have not had time to make the northward trek.Good that you have bred some for yourself,remember the buzz when the first ones came out of their eggs.

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makes sence i'd never put much thought into the inbreeding side of things it seem like my bds were babies them selves only the other day (time flies), anyway now im in for some trouble i can see it now but all part of it and yea its truely priceless seeing that first one's head just poping out of the egg..... it was a looong day waiting for that first one to actually get rite out of the egg, others seem to be out in a flash.

it sux in some ways how the reptile hobby is all abit hush hush (security concious, even breeders & fair enough in some respect) but it does make it hard when it comes to pairing up unrelated reptiles or even trying to get on wainting lists to obtain, and even then get ya lotto tickets and hope for better days, in some cases atleast

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