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Hikari: Decided to get my fish onto this good thing!


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i usually go the cheapo way, prawns prawns prawns from supermarket

but after seing the value of protein in prawns - and lack of other good ness.

prawns typical content is 17to 20% max protein.

i calculated, buying pellets, you feel a couple of pellets and its equal to a prawn!!! and it has more goodness!

so i am endeavouring to get my clown knife onto sinking carnivore pellets, and my ornate

and my red aro onto hikari cichlid gold pellets and food sticksafter

anyone else use food sticks or arowanas? feedback?

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HIKARI sorry

no trout pellets are not

not enough proteins and vitamins.

too much fat and oat meal.

i askedthis also with over seas owners.

trout are like salmon, lots of fat

arowanas cant have this, its bad for them. Trout pellets are ok for some fish but i wouldnt feed it to my aro personally

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my aro eats

HIKARI food sticks

2 of the dats and the baby dels eat

HIKARI carnivore pellets

the knife eats both.

of course i give them prawns too.

also have one of the shops near work to order in some HIKARI massivore delites. hopefully they can get some

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Excell is more for Africans, it has a higher content o caretanoids, but also hi in algae and vege matter. so africans take itmore.

staple is a less strong version of the GOLD

cichlid gold is just beefed up wiht more viatmins and stuff, bout 20% more expensive in theory - but generally, they dont really stock much of it anymorein my lfs, its only cichlid gold now

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