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there seems to be a thread missing?


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I keep telling you

See these fingers...(looks at typing digits)

If I touch things with them it turns fecal.

Nature of the job I spose.



Did you see what lookd suprisingly like a green iggie swimming at the start of life in cold blood last night....at least thats on topic to both threads....cold blood...that is.


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it was just getting interesting,could you not have just removed offending post?alot of people probably never even got to have a look?

yes i could have just removed the bad posts , i did edit two post and then asked for respect for the forum. Should I or any mod have to edit every post just so the rules are not broken ?

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yes i could have just removed the bad posts , i did edit two post and then asked for respect for the forum. Should I or any mod have to edit every post just so the rules are not broken ?

Isn't that their jobs??? If I deleted every thread I had to edit on the forums I moderate then there would hardly be any left. :roll:

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Isn't that their jobs??? If I deleted every thread I had to edit on the forums I moderate then there would hardly be any left. :roll:

no david its not our "Job" its a role we do because we love the hobby and try and encourage other to like it too. We are not the internet police we don't see our role as such. I personally would love to just read interesting posts day after day and never have to edit a single one. But for the good of almost all we have to try and control a select few who don't care what others feel or respect others views as long as they get to say and do what they want.

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no david its not our "Job" its a role we do because we love the hobby and try and encourage other to like it too. We are not the internet police we don't see our role as such.

Whats the difference between "job" and "role". You are the internet police, for this forum anyway, and part of that role/job is putting people back in line when they slip up. Nobody is perfect and its easy to slightly over-step the mark in a heated discussion, especially with strict guidelines as this site has. In my experiences as a member and moderator of other forums, people here are generally very well behaved and the mods have it pretty easy, very rarely is there a need to step in and lock/edit/delete threads.

As I've offered before, if the mods feel they are over-worked or are sick of the job then I'm sure there's other people who would be willing to do the job, myself included. :wink:

*edit* not having a dig at you lot who run the site, we all appreciate what you do.... 8)

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