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Green Aro! its coming!


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dont wanna say - maybe they were not supposed to say??:S lol

but suffice to say - it was a definite

"yes, we are gettin green malaysian aros" 4 to 5 weeks time.

dont know what grade, but green doesnt really have grades.

they are not graded as they are not really bred like the reds and golds etc

correct me if i am wrong though, but thats wha ti have read and been told

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eah, i dont think its that highly exotic ones

but they just said green arowana malaysian.

so i assume its the normal green.

and also said they are cheap ish, and very small


The greens with no snakeskin pattern do nothing for me. Rather a jar.

X back's FTW

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the colour is still nice

but fair enough- jars look different though, i also like them.

But i agree, the greens are not as nice, the 1.5 reds i have i think look better.

One thing that is leaning me towards not buying is that i would rather save that space for a RTG or Xback or something

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yeah, depends on how much you wnt one, and how much you want to save.

the xbacks and high grade asians are readily available now, they are imported every too 4 months - so if you wanted one, then you can save for ages and get one.

i guess it depends on priority, some dont prioritise it which is fair enough.

butsome are sicker in the head than others...which is also fair enough:D

but i agree, cost is prohibitive

so its a good chance to own an asian aro with the cheaper greensif they are indeed coming.

i think they look nice personally

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the market isnt big, so when it comes in, its gotta sell or else it will sit for ages.

there is this importer, you probably know him, he brings in rtgs, chilli reds, vip red, xbacks.

vip sold for about 4000

the xbacks i think will sell for 2800 to 3k.

rtgs and chillis i think sell for 2k to 2500 max.

i think rtg isi best value at 2k

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the market isnt big, so when it comes in, its gotta sell or else it will sit for ages.

there is this importer, you probably know him, he brings in rtgs, chilli reds, vip red, xbacks.

vip sold for about 4000

the xbacks i think will sell for 2800 to 3k.

rtgs and chillis i think sell for 2k to 2500 max.

i think rtg isi best value at 2k

ah that guy

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i am prepared to wait until the ones already sold grow and then come on the market again

no matter how colourful, big fish need big tanks

and peoples fads wane :wink:

Was also thinking of that earlier today.

Hopefully by time im ready for my xback the market will be flooded with high end arro's

Wishful thinking aye

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in theory its not wishfull thinking, it is merely prudent to wait. I have seen a xb for sal for 2k flat, sold for almost 4k backin the day.

but i guess, if you get it for reasonable price, and you have the tanks - then theres no point of waiting.

but you are right, one day it might get flooded and theywill not be worth as much, when that happens, a twisted turn of events might happen.

all the animals here might be older ones or die off, and no one will see that brining them in is profitable anymore - and no one will bring them in. and probably increasing the prce also..... i guess its a cycle that may go both waays lol

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Most of those jars that came in a while back ended up on TM at about half the price they sold for originally... Some people got some nice deals.

Buy now or wait, if you wait you may miss out altogether, or you may get a bargain.

Guess Mark is ok, hes pretty much the end of the line for the big fish in nz, its just a matter of time before they end up in tga :D

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