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I have taken phots of my very sick fish but dont see how I add them help please

http://pic40.picturetrail.com/VOL287/11 ... 731944.jpg

http://pic40.picturetrail.com/VOL287/11 ... 731932.jpg

I hope this worked

Thanks olly

I originaly started a tread in fresh water titled please help please help. With all the details on what is going on sorry I am all over the place and in a bit of a panic I hope someone can help

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It is probably water quality issue. Check your parameters again. Your fw post said ammonia at 0.25mg/L which is too high - chronic ammonia toxicity can be considered above 0.05mg/L. Ammonia toxicity specifically causes respiratory distress and/or neurological signs.

The injected veins in the tail may be due to stress in the fish due to water quality issues but can also be a sign of septicaemia (generalised infection in the fish). In goldfish septicaemia may also be accompanied by brown patches on the fins. Other clinical signs of septicaemia are bulging eyes (sometimes reddened), swollen abdomen, reddening of the fin bases, tiny pinpoint haemorrhages in the skin especially of the belly. Given the phots I think it more likely that the water quality is the problem. Water changes are the answer/

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I lost a tank of Orandas and they had this, it looks like it hasn't taken hold yet - when it does take hold your fish will have HUGE spots that are red and covered further by a white fluffy layer. It's good that you've caught it now - DEFINATELY treat the whole tank (trust me you won't regret it).

Hope this helps

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Thank you guys for all your advice. My comets are still not well. I have got the water not bad now I think ph 6.6 Amm 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrate 10. I think maybe they might have Hemorrhagic Septicemia. Because they have also been over a few months been losing there scales as well as the bloody streaks in there fins so I am thinking of treating with furan2. Can anyone advise me on this if they think its the right thing to be doing. There tank water currently has melifix in it.

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i think furan should have been the first treatment - I'm sure there will be people that disagree.

please do remember that it is an antibiotic so keep it in your tank for a week, turn off any filters with carbon and other such additives. do regular water changes, first after the second day and ten everyday if you wish instead but add furan in the replaced water.

once cured, and im sure it will get cured; replace the water slowly and you can turn on your filters too.

also goldfish do like aquarium salt in their water so add some in there for good measure.

ive also found stress coat is a very good additive for any fish when they are ill so if you have that splurge out - you can't really overdose on that stuff. having said that im sure you know better than to pour the whole bottle in lol... =)

hope this helps. its just what i would do in your situation. :wink:

oh and just in case you were wondering - you can also use oxytertacycline or terramycin - they are both broad spectrum antibiotics and will perform the same function as furan although i would recommend furan2 as it has been formulated for aquatic use.

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Thanks Phoenix44 I think I will treat with furan2 but still I am unsure weather to do a bigger water change because of the melifx or is it ok to combine the two. I know its me I cant understand what you wrote Im too stressed over all of this you said ...do regular water changes, first after the second day and ten everyday if you wish instead but add furan in the replaced water...not sure of the and ten everyday :o was it ment to be then every day? Man Im sooo tired

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Furan comes with the instructions for use if you don't understand what has just been said. Normally its cheaper to isolate the sick fish instead of dosing the whole tank.

Reduce the amount of water in the tank to the required amount (whether it be for 1, 2 or 3 furan tablets).

Turn off any filters with carbon in them as this will negate the medications.

Then follow the instructions re water changes etc.

Whatever you do make sure you wear rubber gloves as this is a known cancer causing substance and the capsules can be very messy to open.

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Thanks Phoenix44 I think I will treat with furan2 but still I am unsure weather to do a bigger water change because of the melifx or is it ok to combine the two. I know its me I cant understand what you wrote Im too stressed over all of this you said ...do regular water changes, first after the second day and ten everyday if you wish instead but add furan in the replaced water...not sure of the and ten everyday :o was it ment to be then every day? Man Im sooo tired

lol sorry about the very formal style of writing, I was doing an assignment and I thought i'd answer your post as a study break haha.

basically a dodge summed it up.

1.)turn your filters off - sponge filters can stay on but the sponge will get messed up.

2.) add the furan just like adodge said.

3.) now for changing the water. Wait 2 days then on the 3rd day do a slight water change (good idea to siphon the tank).

4.) top up the tank with more water and a diluted form of furan.

and continue so.......

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