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Red devil cichlid


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They accidently breed them and said they would only use them as food. He has about 400 of them so doesnt have the tank space to raise them. So they would only have them culled or feed to other fish. I should be getting about 10 this weekend. Do they dig??

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And you were worried about them being culled.

As for digging.

Is the pope catholic?


ps. check with frans to see if he still has a couple left there

He's had them for close to three years

Would have had more,

but I bought some to - - - ,

oh well,

those that know me,

know why :roll:


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If any of them end up with the striped phenotype (as opposed to the normally seen orange type) I would be interested. They need to have grown big enough to have lost their juvenile colouration before you will be able to tell.

Do you know where the parents orginated from?

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yuck!!! really hard fish to sell! alan has hit the nail on the head they are only good for eatting

nice with one in a tank but never two because they could breed then their would end up with more ugly fish that no one wants to sell!!

i hope your friend paid you to take them off his hands :lol:

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Just because they aren't easy to sell doesn't mean that they are not a great fish to own. They are much more exciting then most 'popular' fish and make great 'pet' fish, intelligent and interactive with their owners. Many Red Devil owners refer to them as aquatic dogs due to their behaviour.

Most people however seem to prefer a tank full of brightly coloured fish brainlessly swiming around. Although this can look appealing it doesn't take long for the novelty to wear off, wouldn't you much rather have fish that you can have some fun with?

Red Devils get a bad rep because people don't understand them and try to house them with unsuitable tank mates (or in tanks that are too small). This added to the fact that most people don't see the attraction of pet fish results in the market for Red Devils (and also other fish of similar size/behaviour) being consequently small.

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Most people however seem to prefer a tank full of brightly coloured fish brainlessly swiming around. Although this can look appealing it doesn't take long for the novelty to wear off, wouldn't you much rather have fish that you can have some fun with?

Im beginning to realise this, as i have until recently been a community tank person, with all the plants and bright coloured 'brainless fish' etc.

Then i went and bought jack....the dempsey, and he is soo cool, you just walk in to the room and he comes to the front and 'talks'/interacts with you...

The only fish in my community tank that do similar things are the clown loaches...

i guess im tying to say that different people like different things, and each fish offers something dirrferent to their owners.... that sounds stupid, but you get tha idea :-?


Ps looking for a small female dempsey if someone has one :D

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That's why I tend to prefer the bigger fish. Like severum sized, not oscar and other 12"+ ones. Seems the bigger you get, the more personality you get. But with their size you can also fit some variety. Best of both worlds.:)

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As Midas said RD's make awesome pets, rather than just a fish in a tank. (if that makes sense).

If I had a spare tank big enough I'd be more than willing to take a few off your hands. If you're worried about the number of fry then just cull all the not-so-nice ones so you end up with around 20 really nice looking fish to give to the lfs. The problem with cichlids that breed easily is that people arent fussy enough with the fry or where the parents come from, so you get a lot of interbreeding of pretty average quality fish.

Red Devils get a bad rep because people don't understand them and try to house them with unsuitable tank mates (or in tanks that are too small).

That pretty much sums it up. RD's are a large fish that need to maintain a large territory, put them in a small tank with other fish and they will constantly harrass it as it's in their territory (ie the whole tank).

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