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Help broken tank


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On my 4ft tank the middle brace has come loose, I think in that earthquake the other day cos I heard a noise during it and thought the tank was breaking. I checked the tank but couldnt see anything.

I just went to do a water change and saw the glass bowing out and realised what has happened

I emptied it down to ~60% full which is as low as the filter will stil run

How can I fix it? Do I need to fix it? I dont have another tank the fish can go into



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Can you fix it? Yes you can!

1) reduce the water level (done)

2) Go to a reputable Pet Shop and buy some silicone sealant in a tube (you can also get it from Mitre10, but then you'll also need a Mastic gun etc as well)

3) remove the brace with a razor blade, and remove as much of the old RTV/ Silicone as you can

4) If the tank is still bowed out, even with the water level reduced, brace the tank back to where it should be with something heavy (be careful - put a towel between your tank and whatever you are using to spread the load)

5) Refill your tank to the point where the fish will be happy for 24 hours

6) Glue the brace back into place, wait for however long it says to on the sealant

7) Completely refill the tank

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2) Go to a reputable Pet Shop and buy some silicone sealant in a tube (you can also get it from Mitre10, but then you'll also need a Mastic gun etc as well)

Carters/Placemakers etc sell smaller tubes of Sellys (and other) silicone that don't require a caulking/mastic gun.

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