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Skimmers Any good????


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just saw these and was wondering if they would be any good?

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/NEW-PROTEIN-SKIM ... dZViewItem

http://cgi.ebay.com.au/Aquarium-Fish-Ta ... dZViewItem

i guess they wont be but thought id ask just incase

I bought the second one you listed for my nano, it's the worst 40 dollars I've ever wasted. Just gonna stick to water changes.

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And it is near impossible to get Deltec stuff in Christchurch at the moment. I've been waiting literally months for the one I ordered to show up. And the distributor complains there's no money to be made? I'd seriously recommend you consider something else given to rediculously poor service you'll have to endure if you really want a Deltec. Either that, or buy second hand where warranty is irrelivant anyway.

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And it is near impossible to get Deltec stuff in Christchurch at the moment. I've been waiting literally months for the one I ordered to show up. And the distributor complains there's no money to be made? I'd seriously recommend you consider something else given to rediculously poor service you'll have to endure if you really want a Deltec. Either that, or buy second hand where warranty is irrelivant anyway.

business and good communication go hand in hand 8)

deltec and reef octopus seem to be the most common brands of skimmer used by hobbyists in nzl. if you really want a 2nd hand skimmer, keep an eye out on trademe, by the time you muck around with shipping costs etc you're not paying much more by buying locally. and as is mentioned above, dont skimp on a cheap skimmer you will be wasting your time.

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