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Sick Dwarf Gourami


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On the weekend i purchased 2 gorgeous Dwarf Gouramis, they both started out in the tank fine, but one of my boys is starting to portray some weird behaviour and im wondering what i can do to fix him.

He sits at the bottom of the tank, almost on his side, he does come up for food, but then goes back to the bottom again, the other Gourami swims around quite happily and looks like he is enjoying the tank, but this one looks rather depressed

im pretty new to this fish thing, so be gentle :) but some advise would be appreciated

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my dwarf gourami were sensitive little guys, they like perfect water conditions.

Also what other fish do you have in there? are both dwarfs male? you may need more dwarfs to spread the aggression.

I would do a water change check the water conditions and watch and see what the aggression is like the other dwarf may be harassing him to death.

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Some dwarf gourami's are not the hardest of fish, some pick up diesases very easily - the most common one being dropsy, which affects their swimming and then they swell up around the middle with their scales sticking out.

dwarfs gourami are good commuity fish - can live on their own or with one or several of their own kind.

I would suggest you check your water conditions - do a waterchange if you haven't in a while, then watch the gourami - if he starts getting a "fat" belly and his scales start sticking out - he has dropsy, so remove him from the tank immediately. if he is just swimming funny and no other symptons just play the wait and see game he may come right.

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awesome thanks, yep they are both males, no swelling of any sort, a water change was done last week, do you think i should do one again? PH level is perfect, the other Dwarf doesnt seem aggressive at all.

in the tank also i have some Neon Tetras, 2 bristlenoses, 2 angels and 3 platys (2 female, one male)

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seems to me it might have a bacterial infection having kept these fish for many years they need good water quality you must do 2 partial water changes every week GOOD LUCK :roll:[/quote.I agree with goldfish.I have a range of Dwarf Gourami and i do two water changes a week,and they keep healthy.I find a good variety of food,vege,shrimp,flake,live food helps.Gouramis sitting on the bottom any or fish is a sure sign that some thing is not right.
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