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Everything posted by CarlaS

  1. awesome thanks, yep they are both males, no swelling of any sort, a water change was done last week, do you think i should do one again? PH level is perfect, the other Dwarf doesnt seem aggressive at all. in the tank also i have some Neon Tetras, 2 bristlenoses, 2 angels and 3 platys (2 female, one male)
  2. On the weekend i purchased 2 gorgeous Dwarf Gouramis, they both started out in the tank fine, but one of my boys is starting to portray some weird behaviour and im wondering what i can do to fix him. He sits at the bottom of the tank, almost on his side, he does come up for food, but then goes back to the bottom again, the other Gourami swims around quite happily and looks like he is enjoying the tank, but this one looks rather depressed im pretty new to this fish thing, so be gentle but some advise would be appreciated
  3. this is Tara, shes nearly 6, shes an English Springer Spaniel
  4. CarlaS


    big sister here bought a couple of Dwarf gouramis today actually (before seeing this thread) glad to know i made a good choice! this fish tank thing takes a bit to learn, but we are getting there!
  5. CarlaS

    hi there!

    thanks everyone ive been adding fish only after asking the fish ppl at HFF if it was ok, but im thinking this might not be the case, im completely green at this and have a lot to learn, im off to do more research now!
  6. CarlaS

    hi there!

    My names Carla, my hubby is Darryl, we have 2 girls Kaylee (nearly 4) and Olivia (1) we have recently (in the last month or so) purchased our very first fish tank, we decided to go with tropical fish, and so far we are going good ok i lie a bit, we had about 5 of our Neon Tetras die, and 1 bristlenose die, but we are learning! so far in our tank we have 15 neons, 2 bristlenose, 3 of some other kind of fish (i forgot what they are called, next time i go to HFF i will write the name down!) and a male Siamese fighter fish, who my daughter Kaylee has lovingly called Billy anyway just thought id say hi, looking foward to getting to know you all and learning more about our new hobby!
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