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Peru Cats - Fog Horns


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I mentioned these guys in a thread in Freshwater section, in regards to fish that make noise...

Well these guys.... make a hell of alot of noise when lights go out and at times during the day when there is activity going on in their rocked off cave areas etc...

When we got these, they had hubby getting up out of bed during the night a couple of times wondering what the hell this noise was in our house.... :lol: :lol: Finally we managed to source the sound... them... :roll: :lol: They make a noise that sounds very much like a ship leaving port with a very low sounding horn... pretty much like a fog horn...

Anyway, here is a pic of one of our guys... these pics were taken ages ago now.... sorry about the reflection, it was during day I tried to get one while one was out.... Will get some updated pics once they come out of the hospital tank... will snaffle one out for a pic tonight actually.. The heater suction cups came off the side of the tank they were in and the big fellows being active more so at night burrowed under the big Jagar heater and got slightly burnt overnight, so they are in treatment and near on healed 8)



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Thanks Mincie :D I have yet to have them IDed... I am going to post them on overseas catfish site and ask for some help in IDing them, they are truely fantastic and couldn't get a fish that looks more like a catty... love the HUGE mouth, boy does it open wide!! More mouth than face :lol:

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We got them from Phill Collis when he brought in Peru consignment...

They are around 6-7 inches, have grown since we got them, we got a first lot not long after they came in and another lot last year to add to the ones we had.

Love them :D Very gorgeous 8)

Thanks for the heads up DavidR, might give that place a whirl... and try and get the IDed, they are awesome tho, they have silver dots down their sides and parts of their body, almost like a seam.... I will get a pic of one tonight tho out of the water, or a close up shot in water.. will try my best with the poxy camera :lol:

:lol: Basking Shark, so true :lol:

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Heya ryan :D

Yeap pics have been taken, I haven't uploaded them yet, have done the one cam card but not both... haven't got card reader in my laptop, so have to put them on hubbys comp and then transfer onto flash drive... :roll: Gee I wish I had never broken that camera port :lol:

So keep your eyes peeled peeps, I will have some more pics to add :D

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Sorry guys I have been too busy pre occupied with other threads that I hadn't got back to this one... :roll: I will definately transfer pics from hubbys system onto flash drive and put on my laptop... I have club meeting tonight and may be a latish one so will get them on asap :D

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I think we may have found a winner??

Liosomadoras morrowi

Or similar to this anyway?

Sexual Dimorphism

Males have an extended anal fin, which is used in a similar fashion to the gonopodium possessed by livebearers.


Not thought to have been achieved in aquaria. Fertilisation occurs internally.

From http://www.seriouslyfish.com/profile.php?id=879

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