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First look at the new setup


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WOW. If Jetskisteve uses it then it must be OK (not said in a sarcastic way). But one place I would totally avoid is Milford Beach. They tend to get sewage overflows after a heavy storm. I hear they are trying to fix this, but don't know what the status is.

I'll definately keep this in mind when I finally get around to starting my tank.

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  • 1 month later...

Not very happy with the tank at the moment, feels a little 'flat'. Growth rates remain OK.

Plans for Q4 this year, bulb replacement, new reflectors for halides, new wiring for T5s, remove my LARGE sacrophyton.

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Could it possibly be the start of that sand bed crashing!?!?! Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wink::D

The tank is looking great as usual. If you get a chance, I would like to see a whole tank picture just to see how all the corals are growing together and filling in the space.

Looking forward to seeing how your new DIY reflectors turn out. When you replace your bulbs, are you going to go with the same brand, color? I just installed some new 250W DE XM 10000K today, and I must say that I am not too psyched about the color. I expected a bit of yellow, but not as much as it turned out to be so far. I’m just hoping that the higher PAR (shifted from Hamilton 14000K) leads to better growth and color.



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Pies, Acros look fantastic, maybe try vodka for a small boost.

expected a bit of yellow, but not as much as it turned out to be so far.

Same thing with the new blv 14k, was sort of yellow for a week, but now is pure white, great growth and colours in yellow, blue, not great for green.

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oh my god. little growth, little P/E, crap colours and lots of algae. better start all over again, and cook your rock for at least 5 years, you call yourself a reefer/hobbiest ? and go BB just to be sure, and get a diploma or doctorate in iron control. :wink: i think you better start with goldfish or guppy's again. :D

looks good to me, guess you just getting tired of the looks! start fragging! i got to the same stage so now i try to cut leathers, cutting them as thin as poss. to see how thin one can cut them before they stop growing. (haven't reached that point yet). tahat will keep you amused for weeks.

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Forth quarter of the year i think.

The photo of the pink monti is interesting, I found that the pink colour indercates low nutrients and the orange colour means more nutrients.

When i get them in they are pink and then change to orange.

IT does look a bit small branched which could be lack of something.

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Could it possibly be the start of that sand bed crashing!?!?! Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The truth? I think it was bad water from my last water change, I did a large change (350 litres), and the tank 'rejected' it or something. Not sure. So in future I will keep the water chantes at under 10%, aiming for 200 litres. Maybee it was just as much of a 'shock' as anythign else? NSW, DSB i'm doomed either way!

The tank is looking great as usual. If you get a chance, I would like to see a whole tank picture just to see how all the corals are growing together and filling in the space.

Every chance, i'll do it tommorow.

Looking forward to seeing how your new DIY reflectors turn out.

The DIY reflectors are going to rock, again thanks for the templates. Although it turns out they are not quite right (a few degrees off) but 'my man' who is building them has solved all that. Can't wait for them actually, big thanks to you and Tim for inspiring me to finally do it.

When you replace your bulbs, are you going to go with the same brand, color? I just installed some new 250W DE XM 10000K today, and I must say that I am not too psyched about the color. I expected a bit of yellow, but not as much as it turned out to be so far. I’m just hoping that the higher PAR (shifted from Hamilton 14000K) leads to better growth and color.

I will either go all 14k NARVA, or 3x NARVA and 2x 10k (whatevers) depending on price and availablilty. I really like the 14k narvas, but want to try some 10k again. I am using SE 400s and can't wait to see how those new reflectors make em work! Good luck with the bulbs, I ran 10k BLVs on my old tank and was always happy with the look and the coral growth/colour, hence my own plan to pop a few 10ks in.

whats a Q4?

Quarter 4 2005, sorry still in work mode...

The photo of the pink monti is interesting, I found that the pink colour indercates low nutrients and the orange colour means more nutrients.

When i get them in they are pink and then change to orange.

IT does look a bit small branched which could be lack of something.

Its a frag from a coral at the other end of my tank which is the 'rust/orange' coloured one. The pink is slightly higher in the tank. The orange/rust coloured one remains that rust/orange colour with much thicker branches. So current may be playing a part. My own observations with the montipora digitata is that they grown 'spindely' to begin with, then fatten. The rust coloured one is in an awkward spot but i'll try and take a snap of it tommorow, also I have the purple one, a gold one and a green one, all growing differently in different spots... Go figure.

My params are all pretty normal: SG .025, Temp 26deg, Alk 8.5, CA 400, mg 1250, PH 8-8.3. And you've seen my skimmer.



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Yes I'll have to pass on my congratulations on those pics. That pink monti in particular, is remarkeable in a tank with a DSB. The only way I've been able to get mine like that is to have nutrients extremely low, plus a bit of zoox adjustment via some zeovit products.

You're not secretly dosing a zeovit product without telling us now are you? :D

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That pink monti in particular, is remarkeable in a tank with a DSB.

Heh don't get me started, have a look at the last 12 months of RC:TOTM to see truely stunning SPS coral colour with DSB and no Zeovit etc.

The only way I've been able to get mine like that is to have nutrients extremely low.

I think my tank is low in nutrients, again I would emphisise that the DSBs can help reduce nutrients, not add them. Also you've seen my skimmer in action, and its pulling a lot of gunk. Also I feed little (1-2 times a week max). Still I get diatom growth on the glass, and the tank makes enough algae to keep the tangs fed and pods for the fish.

You're not secretly dosing a zeovit product without telling us now are you?

Ha! I gave all my zeovit product to JetSkiSteve when I came to the realisation that 1. I couldn't afford to run it on my large tank 2. That I belive I can obtain similar results without it. Still, if someone wants to pay me to use ZEOVIT i'd happily start using it again.

Honestly though, the tank is looking poor, coral colour/growth since the water change is WAY OFF what it was. A week ago I would have described the tank as looking 'sick', but its recovering now.

The pink monti is interesting, i'll post a pic of the parent coral tonight so you can see the 2 radical colour differences from the 1 tank.


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It varies, but probably typically between 200-250 litres. So i'll make the waterchanges about 200. I've been a little slack with them anyway, so when I had the opertunity to do a large change I just jumped in and did it, which may have been a mistake. Interesting that the anemones and fish didn't seem any different all, nor does algae growth or anything else.


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