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Lemon Tetras - Breeding


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I have decided to breed something a bit different, and something less extreme in personality... for once...

So... have decided to give Lemon Tetras a whirl... I have a bare bottom tank, with corner filter and a heap of java moss...

Has anyone else out there have any tips in regards to breeding Lemon Tetras, we have males and females.. the males are definately showing signs as in wanting to breed, the old chase the female to the java moss... and the old twitch and shimmer going on....

They are in good nick, however, was wondering what others condition their tetras up with pre spawning...

Any info will be much appreciated 8) Thanks :D

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Mine always spawned(although all eggs got eaten) in my Discus planted setup, with large water changes and plenty of mozzie larvae and daphniA(live).

It was fun to watch. :oops:

Oh and they like privacy. Avoid bright light if possible.

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Thanks supasi, they seem eager to spawn, I had noticed they were showing signs in our sons tank in his bedroom, so thought I would whisk them out and spawn them due to the fact the tank is a mixed community tank...

Thanks for the conditioning tips 8)

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lemon tetras are on the easy to breed list luckily :) mine used to breed all the time in ambulia, esp after water changes.. if you collected some rain water use that. light doesn't matter re the eggs hatching tho i'd keep it dim for the frys' eyes. i'd separate males and females to condition for 2 weeks first. sounds like you know the differences between the sexes. have fun and goodluck

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I haven't been trying to breed mine, but last week they decided to do it themselves. They had been eating a mix of frozen bloodworms, shelled peas, and flake. I skipped 2 weekly water changes, did a 20% and a 6 monthly filter clean, and away they went.

Sadly this was in a heavily stocked community tank, the eggs didn't last 2 minutes.

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Don't forget Afrikan tetra's can be terrible egg eater so don't skimp on the moss.

You may also like to scatter some boiled peat on the bottom of the spawning tank, this will help hide the eggs. :wink:

Good luck.

Oh yes, tetra's generally don't need that much O2, so the filter only needs to be going very slowly.

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  • 1 month later...

im trying my hand at breeding them at the moment, doesnt help that i lost a couple due to God knows what.... lol

aparently i read somewhere that they can be triggered to breed by letting the nitrates build up abit then doing a big water change, i guess the rainwater has the same effect lol

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Thanks for the tips to all, conditioning them up at the moment and then going to give them a whirl... I had other fish decide to give me plenty of new arrivals so currently have my hands full, and BBS batches bubbling away :lol: and good luck Cricketman, keep us posted on how well yours do, I have found the tetra males get rather snotty with each other.

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indeed! i thought there was a hellava breeding chase going on last night, so i sat there watching, then realised it was made up of males.... DAM! lol

all that excitement and getting out of bed for nothing! especially since saturday was my 21st!! lol

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happy bday cricketman!! just saw a couple of my fish dancing but it was actually 2 females battling.. kinda weird.. not lemon tetras tho. the males look good duelling.. that black alan fin line should stand out nicely and they should be a lovely full yellow colour with brilliant red eye. get 'em breeding guys! :bounce:

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Yeah definately aggression showing with the lemon males :lol:

And yeah Caryl... it is crazy... looks like the lemons are definately on the back burner for a couple of weeks, I am full on raising these Oscar babies and now I have curviceps that have spawned big time, heaps of eggs, now more Sajica and have a Rainbow Melanochromis with a huge crop full due to be stripped and yes well Steindachneri fry that I am feeding up big time on BBS aswell, those BBS cultures aren't going to be stopping anytime soon :roll: :lol:

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