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Mid Winter Christmas Club Party (Animates Club Members)


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i find that animates live things are more expensive but most of there products can be alot cheaper

like the saltwater master test kit is cheaper by about $15 than where i brought one from :-? 3 days earlier

They are on special now for about $30.00

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I went to the Mt Eden store last night and it was madness! Millions of people queueing to get in, then once you got in you could barely move for the crowds.

The specials were worth it though. The whole buy-2-get-1-free on fish & plants, plus whatever specials were already on, plus 20% off in addition to any existing specials.

I spent $133 of which $110 was vouchers (I always ask for vouchers for my birthday). so for $23 I got:

350ml flourish excel

9 cardinal tetras

3 cherry barbs

3 gold barbs

1 siamese fighter fish (for my partner)

1 small clown loach

3 amazon sword plants

1 large java fern

Best bit of shopping I've done in a long time :bounce:

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Buy 2 get one free happens EVERY Tues/Thurs/Wednes :lol:

And I am waiting until the Aqua Fun Days in July, as they will be having buy ONE fish get one free, yay!

Yes the 3-for-2 deal happens every week, but 20% off on top of that doesn't!

I haven't heard of the aqua fun days - will that happen at every store? By then my new fish will be out of quarantine and in the main tank... so the Q-tank will be ready for more new fishies! Hooray!

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