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I gather this fog is widespread? We don't get it often here and when we do it burns off quickly but this morning it was so thick I almost missed the turnoff on the way to work! I can just see the tennis courts over the road now so it must be clearing :-?

This is the thickest fog I can remember seeing here and I have been here 45 years.

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What fog is right. Many moons ago when I was young and silly (now just silly) and used to run many miles in a week, I was running up Ferry Rd From Sumner back to town and at the Radley St bridge I overtook a whole line of cars (and I was only jogging). The front driver had his head out the window to see and asked if I would run in front with a torch so they could all go faster. That would have been smog and think what that was doing to a joggers lungs. Thats my excuse for giving it up.

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I hear Wgtn airport is closed because of it.

Grant was supposed to fly up Mt Stokes today but pointed out that not only could he not see the Mt, but he doubted he would be able to find the helicopter either :lol:

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