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blue/green algae


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Thanks Caryl but I might try Furan as I have another tank with a small amount in it as well and with Allan saying that he's lost fish using erythromycin don't want to take the chance with Discus. Had 3 other tanks with this in also but strip them bare and move the good plants to this one tank and bleached the others. Then I moved a pair of Panduros and Gold rams into the other tanks which have both spawned. Guppies went in first to check if they where ok to use so apart from righting of my car on Tuesday this weeks been pretty good.

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I went the E-mycin route last weekend. Dosed at 400 Mg /100 l on Thursday night. I did a water test before going to bed that night, and three tests on Fri - all OK.

On Sat I did a 25% water change and vacuum, and administered the second dose. Two water tests that day came back fine. There was a bit of dead BGA floating on the surface, which I scooped out.

On Sunday I woke to find cloudy water and everyone on the surface gasping. My Bala Shark, one Dwarf Loach and my large SAE ware dead :( I tested the water, and found the nitrate had gone ballistic.

I did a vacuum and 50% water change immediately, and angled the spray bar for maximum bubble generation. All fish recovered well. Four hours later they were back at the surface. Another 50% water change and a vacuum fixed that, followed by daily 25% changes for three days. Not much fun getting up at 2 in the morning, or driving home from work at lunchtime, to do water tests...

It seems stable now, and is testing well. Oh, and the BG Algae is gone. So just a word of warning, be prepared for nitrate spikes. I was expecting the nitrate to slowly increase as the dead BGA got consumed, but within 8 hours overnight it had gone from near zero to toxic levels.

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