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Would this be mean?


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If you put a couple of female guppies and swordtails and and one male of each in a community tank, and just let them breed. But instead of taking the fry out you let the big fish eat them..

So basically... You get the livebearers specifically to breed and let the community tank mates eat the fry...

It sounds mean but I'm sure some of you do it?

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:lol: :lol: Matthew

I think it is the good old survival of the fittest... as snookie said or quickest and most cunning... I have often fed out unwanted fry to fish, a long time ago I wouldn't have been able to do it, but I hardened up I guess... :roll:

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I always say if one of my platys gave birth in the tank I'd leave the fry but when I see them in there I always end up saving them :roll: :lol:. Now I've got small/baby platys in my tank so I haven't had many fry lately

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i have a 30l tank full of guppies RIGHT next to my jewel cichlids tank, they are purely bred as a source of live food for my jewels. the jewels are always going crazy at the sight of the neighbour guppies.

livebearers that breed like rabbits make excellent sources of food if u ask me. I DEFINATLY recomend it.

I swear my jewels get more colorful after each fish they eat.

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