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Worms or catapillar?


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Alright, here goes.

Last night i was sitting watching some newly released guppy bubbas, I noticed something that ive never seen before.

Now forgive me if you have trouble understanding what im on about. I searched google for hours last night and have yet to identify them.

What i noticed in the tank on the glass(and after further looking, they are on most surfaces), these things that i thought might be snail poop.

Um.... no snails live in that tank, thanks to previous tennant, jewel.

as i was staring at them for ages trying to figure out what they were, i noticed that infact they seem to be tiny little cocoon like tubes. A small worm(looks more like a catapiller to me by the way it moves) lives inside each one.

The worm thing doesnt leave the tube, But sticks its head out and i noticed hat its eating the algae around the entrance area. They obviously can sence movement or vibration as when anything moves, they retreat into their tunnel thing.(THESE TUNNEL THINGS ARE OPAQUE)

Before anyone asks............. No my camera doesnt have macro setting, so cant take pics.

Does anyone have a clue?????????????

I also noticed that they prob wont be there too much longer as the guppies obviously like the taste of em

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there's another one thats like what your talking about.... but I can't remember what their name is. They have a small, light brownish tubular shell. Your best bet would be to ask Stella.

My next question is have you put any rocks or plants in your tank recently that came from a pond or river?

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Interesting, I was going to say they're probably just a harmless little detritovore, frequently called spaghetti worms and are extremely common.

But I realised this was the freshwater forum, not saltwater.

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The tank has been established for several months now.

the only tank inhabitants are guppies and an otto. before the guppies it housed a pair of jewels and otto.

there does seem to be large amounts of brown mulm type stuff that reapears even after regular vac.

:o Still none the wiser!


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