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My names Carla, my hubby is Darryl, we have 2 girls Kaylee (nearly 4) and Olivia (1) we have recently (in the last month or so) purchased our very first fish tank, we decided to go with tropical fish, and so far we are going good

ok i lie a bit, we had about 5 of our Neon Tetras die, and 1 bristlenose die, but we are learning!

so far in our tank we have 15 neons, 2 bristlenose, 3 of some other kind of fish (i forgot what they are called, next time i go to HFF i will write the name down!) and a male Siamese fighter fish, who my daughter Kaylee has lovingly called Billy

anyway just thought id say hi, looking foward to getting to know you all and learning more about our new hobby!

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Hi and welcome Carla. Adding 21 fish to a tank that is only a month old might explain the deaths :cry:

Of course, you may have a 250L+ tank for all I know :-?

Do you know anything about "cycling" a tank? Read up on the subject and you will find it very helpful and avoid more deaths although, as livingart said, if you have live stock you also get dead stock.

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thanks everyone :)

ive been adding fish only after asking the fish ppl at HFF if it was ok, but im thinking this might not be the case, im completely green at this and have a lot to learn, im off to do more research now!

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Hey, welcome to the forums!

Look on the bright side - at least the fish died early and not after years of bonding with them. :-? It could always be worse.

And you've made the brilliant decision to come here! Your fish will thank you for it one day I'm sure. :lol:

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Hi & welcome,

Sorry about your losses, but as I learned with this hobby, it's going to happen. You'll get lots of help here, people are wonderful to help. Post a pic of your tank soon.

Take care & have fun,


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Hi and welcome :) We used to live in Hobby too before we got posted down here, its a shame were not still up there could have helped you out..

Unfortunately its a learning curve with fish, and most of us have lost tanks full of fish and thought about giving it all up, but as long as we learn from our mistakes we can only go forwards.. And being on this forum also helps you learn from the mistakes of others and get good advice (be very wary of fish shop advice sales people are there for one reason - to make a sale..).

If you post the specs of your tank (size filtration etc) then people may be able to give you advice. Good luck :)

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