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info on BROWN HAPS!!!


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got them from a friend who was going to get out of cichlids but decided to stay so they are called think skin or redtails obliquidens etc?

yea 1 male 2 females getting on quite well the tropheus were the one giving them abloody hard time!!! lol

will post some pics later. how many people actually have these?

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hmmm yea not really looking to sell at this stage yea the females giving each other a bit of grief my big male is tending to stay out of the way at the moment if anyone has them and would like to share pictures that would be great!!!!!!!!!!

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hmmm yea not really looking to sell at this stage yea the females giving each other a bit of grief my big male is tending to stay out of the way at the moment if anyone has them and would like to share pictures that would be great!!!!!!!!!!

LOL Not problem did not mean for you to sell just said we are looking for a male, if you do decide to sell them one day please let us know anyway! :wink:

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Agree'd and articles I have read on the net suggest 1m to 5f.. Which is what you have between you guys..

Johannes, one of your females looks like a male is this the whole dominant female colouring up thing? I think I remember brown hap's being used for alot of studies because they are known to do this..

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Agree'd and articles I have read on the net suggest 1m to 5f.. Which is what you have between you guys..

Johannes, one of your females looks like a male is this the whole dominant female colouring up thing? I think I remember brown hap's being used for alot of studies because they are known to do this..

She is the bigger of the lot and yes you would think it is a male :roll: but next time her egg tube drops I will get a shot to show you! She is very dominant challenges all the smaller fish in the 8 Foot!

I am working at getting another male hopefully some time soon, something will come my way, just need to be patient! :wink:

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Be cool if Johannes and A Town could work together and get these critters going.. would be sad to lose them in this country ;)

Wow that would be great :bounce: but he said he was not interested in selling them :cry:

A town best you come over so we can talk, might get to some sort of agreement LOL :wink: !!

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Wow that would be great :bounce: but he said he was not interested in selling them :cry:

A town best you come over so we can talk, might get to some sort of agreement LOL :wink: !!

that would be great

also shows that you guys are really serious fish keepers with the fishes interest at heart :hail:

good luck

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got them from a friend who was going to get out of cichlids but decided to stay so they are called think skin or redtails obliquidens etc?

yea 1 male 2 females getting on quite well the tropheus were the one giving them abloody hard time!!! lol

will post some pics later. how many people actually have these?

HOLD ON :o:o Do I read this right you have them in with your Tropheus?

oH Well good luck breeding them on a veg diet !(Tropheus species are algae browsers in the wild and therefore their diet should consist mostly of but not all vegetable matter)

HAp's need aquatic insect larvae ETC I have found Green Tuckker works great as well as Mysis and Brine Shrimps.

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Hi Lynn.

Finally got hold of the guy that I passed the 2 male Haps onto.

Unfortunately........ :( he had a tank failure some time back and the 2 boys perished along with all the other fish.

I will ask around and see what I can dig up.

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Yes they are nice fish and yes they are aggressive. They have been on the list numerous times but it looks like no one buys when available.

At present I have about 40 females and 5 males happily living in a five footer. When i first started with them i had 6. 3m 3fm. These guys where housed in a tank next to my TV and on occasion the males would lock jaw and basically lift them selves out of the water hitting the glass lids. Didnt know which was better to watch :roll:

To stop this I put my XXL Borleyi into the same tank and he would keep the peace. Just to funny to watch.

Bred them to good numbers now and touch wood they are happy as. :)

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