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is this true


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* A well stocked (and crowded looking) tank will reduce fighting because the fish will lose their tendency to defend specific territories. Tanks that are only sparsely populated have more compatibility problems because one or two fish will come to dominate the tank and all others will be harassed and kept hiding.

found it on a google search

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Sounds like one of those rediculously generalised and simplified statements that are of no practical use. Somehow I think there is more in play than just stocking levels. It wouldn't matter how many neons I put in the Oscar tank, there would still be blood :lol:

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No its true to a point :) A common plan for aggressive fish to to overcroud them give them many targets and then no one fish gets smashed until it dies..

Very common with mbuna (dem's 12 min) and can be good for haps etc..

You have to bear in mind if your overstocking you need good filtration very good maintenance and if your overcrouding many different species they will probably interbreed or not breed or hold well at all due to all the action and aggression..

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It works great with alot of species but generally the Africans

Americans dont want hidey holes they want the whole tank so this wont exactly work

Though I know when I get down to a few Oscars they tend to fight thugh when it is full there isnt even an arguement

Its great for raising up Alto's but also having a bare tank helps


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