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It was raining today, no lookers

aros were still niggling at each other


so tank swap

stripped down and moved the FOWLR marine display now in the 2m ex local marine

stripped 2.4 metre aro display and resited all into the 2.1m x .900 x .750

tank is still cloudy but everyone is cruising


thanks to Gannet for the hand

started at 10am finished at 5pm i think

spilt a lot of water, smoked a lot of wet cigarettes and drunk copious quantities of coffee :D

still have to finish in the morning Gannet said he would be in by 7.30am, yea right

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When I first saw the title I thought the aro had died :-?

the heading was gannets idea 8)

if that had of happened i would not have posted anything i would have been :oops: then :cry: and :x with myself

was scared to open the container

you lose fish sometimes for unknown reasons and the big ones can suffer stress more,

no matter how it happens i always feel responsible when it happens to an animal in my care

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no matter how careful you are the fish will cop some damage

I was actually quite surprised at how placid my 20"+ black aro was to catch when I sold it. I drained the tank to half the normal level and pulled everything out, all the tankmates had already gone, I guess he figured his time had come. One scoop with the big koi net jansens loaned me and he was in the chilly bin.

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the aros have taken to cruising together most of the time

they occasionally circle each other at the end of the tank with the smaller one braking and then curling his body up with fins extended then circling again

i don't know if it is trying to make itself look bigger or to attract the larger one

the larger one nudges the other one out of the way every now and again but no biting

has anyone seen a video of arowana breeding?

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