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Help Brine shrimp hatching


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I use sea water too, free and no mucking around with salt.

Get acoke bottle and cut the base off. Drill a hole in the cap and push a tube through. Seal the hole. Connect an airhose to the tube. Fill it with sea water and put in 1-2 teaspoon of brinshrimp egg. Turn air pump on and wait for 30 hrs for eggs to hatch.

Turn air off and let bbs settle to the bottom.

Disconnect airhose from pump to drain bbs out through a brine shrimp seive.

Make up another bottle as above to put the bbs in and use for feeding.

Wash bottle and hatch another lot with new sea water .

Hatching photo


Storing hatched BBS


Hope that help,


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I dont even turn the bottles upside down but have 3 with eggs going all the time (12 hours apart) and a spare bottle warming

I find turning the bottle upside down helps to move the eggs around better.

Depends on how many frys I need to feed. The most I had going at one time was 6 bottles using 1 bottle per feeding.


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Hope this works


The bottle on the left is warming, number 2 is BBS that is say 12 hours old, number 3 is 24 hours old and number 4 is about to be used as it is about 36 hours old.

I syphon the BBS through the pillow slip and catch the water in a jug as it drips through

Feed the BBS to the fry (and some adults) then put 80 to 90% of the water back in the bottle to rewarm before adding more eggs 12 hours later and starting again

The hardest thing is remembering which bottle is next. It is honestly a problem sometimes. To solve this I have the bottles numbered (on the outside of the tanks) from 1 to 3 and I put a peg on the one that is to be used next. That way you always move from left to right and replace the bottle your using with the bottle thats warming. The proble with not numbering is that I use to sometimes use say the one on the right at night and the 2nd right in the morning instead of going back to the start,.

Note the way that a airhose goes in the top and down to the base of the bottle then another air hose starts at the top of the same bottle and goes to the bottom of the second and so on

In reading this, I would swear that I have had a few too many tonight but I havnt had a drop

If I can answer any questions Im happy to

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my method is similar to Barries however I don't use a net as I used to have a shrimp hatchery (the square box) so I just tip a litre into that and hatch it that way.

my question to those who use nets - where do you get the nets that are fine enough and don't the shrimp just filter through? do you rinse them off?

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I bought several nets from the USA as I thought they would be usefull and I couldnt get any here but to be honest, I think its easier using linen and just chuck it in the was once a week


I dont know why I dont feed the lot except that I do feed a lot of BBS to the small containers and I suppose I wasnt happy with that much seawater going into them?

I dont really know

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Sera had a brine shrimp hatchery set. Inside these were brine shrimp nets. I bought two of those set ups solely for the nets.

I find them quite useful, but did find they could block because of the fine mesh - hence why I bought the second one - when the flow rate through the first one was dropping I would start filling the second.

I found this quite useful as you could easily flush the shrimp with freshwater.


Sometimes fry don't like having the addition of salt into the tank - Killies don't seem to be one of those species

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