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Bought new tank! Species help!


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Hey team!

My flatmate got a new tank! o_0 exciting! :bounce:

My tank is coldwater and he has limited knowledge about tropicals too so we don't know much about these species and I'm having trouble finding them in wiki so if you guys know if these fish have other names or if you know their latin names and any info at all really would be a huge help!

  • Red Tail Cigar Shark
    Long Fin Apollo Shark
    Spotted Catfish

All the others I know about.

Great! thanks! :bow:

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ohk the fish are

  • redstriped earth eater
    pearl cichlid
    5 x red tail cigar sharks
    4 long fin apollo sharks
    red tail shark
    angel fish
    talking catfish
    spotted catfish
    black ghost knife fish
    4 x plecos
    and 2 clown loaches.

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Hahaha, all those species together in a little 300L tank...Hope you like dead fish. That's...Ahhh...16 fish that will either outgrow the tank or be a bit cramped.

Your a rather Angry Person arent you ira?

Could have just said you thought they might be over stocking..

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