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Breeding fighters


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Oh man. I hope these guys like each other. he started off being obsessed with her and not leaving her container alone but now hes swimming around the tank and only visiting her every now and then.

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Any chance of getting a pic of ya female Cam?

IMO you'd be better conditioning them up for 2 weeks prior to spawning, can always try before hand though. If it works, it works... if not, can always try again :wink:

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Should there be any water movement while he's making a bubble nest? At the moment their it a rectangle lid thats about 12cm by 8cm and it has a few bubbles under it. Do they blow the bubbles out their mouth or out their gills?

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Shouldn't be much water movement at all.

He will suck in air from his mouth and blow it out just as you've seen. Bubbles will pop every now and again and will probably take a whole night to get a good sized bubblenest.

Nothing is wrong, it just takes a while :wink:

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Well today he's probaly got 20-30 small bubbles under his little lid. I'm not sure he is quite sure what to do as he will go up and get air but he doesn't blow them under his lid. I've changed the lid till a jam jar lid. I'm not sure if the lid is up the right way. what way should it go up?

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If you can get hold of a polystyrene cup, that will work wonders.

I've tried with a bunch of different lids but the nests wouldn't stay put as well and bubbles would pop a lot faster.

Even if you don't have a cup, just cut some polystyrene into a similar shape of some sort and that'll work just as well. Remember to make sure there's no little bits that break off easily though... don't want him eating any of that 8)

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The bubbles aren't popping anymore now that I've turned the lid over. It's just he isn't putting the bubbles under it anymore. I,ve looked closer and theres about 45-50 bubbles.

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I don't know whats wrong. He's not visiting her as much and isn't blowing many bubbles into his lid and there is only 30 or so bubbles. I looked and couldn't find any polystyrene cups. What should I do? Please help I really want them to breed and hope they aren't one of theose pairs that won't breed. When he does go up to her she will flare and puf out her gills but she still has her vertical stripes on her..

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an honest suggestion - leave him alone! the more you go back and forward peering and moving things, the less likely anything is to happen.

don't you sometimes want privacy :D

if the weather is like up here at the moment and it is unsettled let her out this evening around this time and with luck they may spawn in the morning.

they can successfully raise fry with out a decent sort of bubble nest

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Can they actually get to each other or are they in a divider/holder of some sort?

Does he flare at her or just her at him?

If you haven't released them together yet, quite often I've found they start building faster and have more interest once a bit of chasing is going on.

IME it won't ever go according to the book :roll: Don't give up though, Bluemoon recently only got her pair to spawn after trying for over a month.

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He is flaring at her and when he does she will puff out her gills and flare up. so what sort of weather should it be? She doesn't look as full of eggs anyomore so I don't know what that means. She is in a clear container so he can't get to her. Do you really think that I should let her out cause his bubble nest is pretty much a few bubbles and proberly no good for them to breed.

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As adodge and Tsarmina have said, a bubblenest is not a huge urgency.

He'll make it all in good time.

I suggest releasing them and seeing what happens. It may take a day or two for them to stop chasing each other but this is normal. Just make sure they're not discolouring or looking extremely stressed.

What will usually happen is the male will chase the female around until she hides, he'll then go back and work on his nest, then it's a matter of rinse and repeat for several hours/days :roll:

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Ok I've put her in with him. He chases her all around the tank until she gets away from him and hides. When she stops swimming away from him he'll Just swim around her and flare up. Should I leave her in the tank with him all night?

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i had the ones who just bred doing that and then they bred.

she started the same thing with his brother and shredded his fins.

be watchful. if you don't think things are going smoothly, put her back in the container overnight just to be sure. you can let her out again tomorrow :)

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Well I looked in the tank this morning and sitting in the corner is a nice little bubble nest. She doesn't look full of eggs anymore but I'm 90% sure they havn't bred so I'm not sure if they're going to breed or not.

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Ok this is whats happened so far. While I was at school mum has been watching them (shes just as keen to see what happens as I am) and the bubble nest I saw this morning is gone and hes made a bigger more stable one under the lid I put in there for him. Also the female keeps going up to his nest and he chases her away, she now has a shredded tail and he's gaurding his nest. It looks like he's eating the bubbles and then making more of them to add to his nest. She also said that the male wrapped himself around her (I'm pretty sure it sounded as if the were spawning) and she dropped 3 white thing (I'm pretty surre these were eggs) BUT he didn't go collect them and let them fall into the plants and gravel. he's also chasing her more.

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OK can someone please answer me. He goes up to the eggs and sucks them in his mouth, at first I thought he was cleaning them but when I looked closer there is only one egg now. Is he eating them or is he cleaning them or is he putting them deeper in the bubbles somewhere else?

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It's hard to say as you didn't exactly see the spawn or how many eggs she dropped.

I'd suggest taking the female out if you haven't already, even if she did only drop 3 eggs. Sometimes it can be hard to see them as they're so small so there could be more than meets the eye.

The male will constantly clean, rearrange, watch, do the dishes etc while he's waiting for the eggs to hatch, however he could also be an eater too :evil: That's best for your own judgment since we can't really see what's going on...

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