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Tank Mates in my set up ideas - feed back please


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Tank 1:

8 foot x 80 cms deep front to back x 65 cms high.

1x Silver Aro

3x dats (1x 14" wide bar, 1x 13" indo, 1x 10 inch indo)

1x run of the mill pleco

2x giant gourami

1x Royal clown knife

1x lown knife

1x Black african kninfe

2x cigar sharks

1x pink tail chalceus

Tank 2:

4 foot x 1.5' x 1.5'

1x flagtail prochilodus

1x red parrot

1x polypterus ornate

2x polypterus senegalus (one albino, one normal)

2x or 3x small dats - babies

feed back please

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My feedback:

1. forget the giant gouramis. I hate them! They're big ugly and boring, and can sometimes be quite aggressive. Why anyone would want to keep one is beyond me, even the red tailed ones are ugly. I'm not sure about this, but maybe keeping two together could also cause trouble?

2. The ornate and flagtail will both out-grow the 4' tank, as will the dats, eventually.

Where does the jardini fit in with all of this?

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mmmm crocs

ok anyways

i like giant gouramis!

i love them, they look strange and weird

i know one would be ok

two o fthem, othre forums tell me that when little they will fight, you may get deaths, but once they get bigger they settle down and leave each other alone, so if they are strong, they will live to be together, if not , one will die.

6'x55cm x 55xm tank will have the jardinii with its old tank mates, 2x tinfoils, 2x silver dollars and 1x spotted metynis

so that will stay the same.

yeah, the flagtail and bichirs will eventually outgrow 4 foot tank, but that dats will take awhile, the flagtails growth is slow too, so would be awhile

when the bichirs get too big , ill move them to the 8 footer , they generally dont bother any other fish.

the 8 foot combination, does that look ok though? those fish should get along though right? except maybe the 2 GG. also the giant gourami can be taught to eat other fish, and have big mouths.

no really, i thin they are cool, id like to have the gold and a grey one

apart from davids great distain for GGs :) is there any problems with it?

david: what do you suggest? other monster fish, i want big fish, i mean big monster fish

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Well the tank is big enough to try a community of silvers, at least for a while anyway. I'd suggest three at the minimum, all the same size, grown out together from juveniles.

A large male jag could work, would have enough room for his own territory.

Why not get 3+ ornates instead of the senegals and grow them out to go on the bottom of the 8' tank?

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i agree with mystic no pacus! You have to knock them on the head when they're big, no one will buy it even for $1. Wish someone had told me they ate silver sharks. Our old ones ate both of mine one was about 25cm came home to find out 5cm of body left I had had this one from tiny so was shattered one pacu got ikied after that. Then woke up a few weeks later to find remaining pacu eating my 15cm silver shark so our last pacu got ikied. They had also been attacking my oscars. I have had a few pacu before and never had them that aggressive even had a black one. Do not reccmommend!

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re arranged:

8 foot:

1x silver aro

3 x large dats

2x cigar sharks

1x royal

1x clown knife

1x giant gourami

1x pleco

1x pink tail chalceus if i can get one


2x smaller dats

2 or 3x bichirs (growing out to 8 foot)

1x flagtail

1x red parrot

1x african knife

so agbove looks beter?

whsat the concensus?

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3x dats (1x 14" wide bar, 1x 13" indo, 1x 10 inch indo)

Watch as they can get nasty towards the Aro, and other fish once bigger.

The only time I've had problems with a dat being aggressive towards other fish is when its by itself. When kept in groups they tend to squabble amongst themselves and not bother other large fish. There will always be exceptions though.

Another thing, keep an eye on the flagtail with the polys, mine is good so far, but there have been cases where they decide bichir slimecoat tastes better than algae and start rasping them.

Lastly, I'll third the 'no pacu's' notion. IMO they are a fish that should NEVER be stocked by fish shops, and unless you measure the volume of your tank in tens of thousands of gallons you shouldn't be considering keeping them.

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yeah, if i see knives fight, i can instantly remove them

the african is aggressive apprently when its larger, if its too aggresive, then ill get rid of them

the giant gourami wont grow to a foot long wiht in a year , well certainly not 2 foot with in 2 yeras, i used to hvae one, wiht a pacu, and it was fast growing but once it reached just udner 12" it grew alot slower

to get it to the size at HFF mt roskill

that takes years!!!!!

but i do appreciate your opinions and experiences, hence why i ask, so i can re consider

african knives will most likely go with the jardinii if its too aggresive. if that doedsnt work out

it will go to a good home:D

pacus do get huge!

its ridiculous

but, you can keep a 60cm pacu in a 1200 litre

they are fine for awhile

just that they do grow rapidly, even at that size, they will grow another 15 cms in a year

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onthat note

everyone from MFK have told me so far

that clown kni ves when introduced together at less than 10 inches or so, will SOMETIMES initially fight but gbenerally be able to live together in a tank that size, i ha ve seen photos and videos, i guess there are cases and theory it wont work

but ill take that risk

if i see bad fighting ill separate them

wortha go, would look impressive together.

i want a predator monster tank.

the bichirs will go in once larger and not EDIBLE by the dats:D

yeah heard bout flagtails sucking on other fish.....kinda funny lol

the african is my head ache, right now its docile but i hear that from everyone too that it does get aggressivbe

but mfk has told me on a unanymous concensus that same with the CK, it can be ok with other knives as long as ther are plenty of aggressive fish, but! it has a lot more chanc eof not working out that anything else

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I assume this is what we are talking about?


Aww, thats just a tidler! Check this out!!

Is there more than one species of "african knife", are we talking about Xenomystus nigri? I wish more fish people used latin names... :lol:

Henward, all I can suggest is that if you're going to try something that may not work out, that you have the ability to separate the fish if things go bad. Fishkeeping is all about trial and error, as Mystic found out with her dats and aro. Sometimes things that shouldn't work out do, and sometimes things that should work out don't.

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