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Beginner killies?


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most killies can live in a community tank quite comfortably, however you will only have one species in there (unless you only put males in the tank).

Best is to have species only tanks, that way you can see them spawn and grow.

A nice easy killie would be the Australes, (chocolate or gold)

Mop spawners, so you don't have to worry about peat.

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The whole rang of Killis are exciting to keep.

The easiest are as Wok has mentioned, Mop spawners. You can water incubate them for normally a couple of weeks and (depending on what else you have in your tank) put them in the comunity tank after 2 to 4 weeks.

You can raise the fry by floating them on your existing tank

Peat spawners are in my mind a lot more exciting as the eggs are laid in peat and dried (as ponds do ) then wet again after 3 to 6 months only to have fry majicly appare from the "dirt"

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i started with (and still have) Epiplatys Dageti. These guys (5 males, 3 females & 2 unknown) share a tank with 2 Bristlenose catfish. They breed in this tank and a couple of the bubs survive to adulthood no probs - have had 4 born/bred/raised to juvies/adults in this tank. There are not a lot of plants either! A small driftwood cave with java fern, a couple of pieces of java fern planted in the gravel, a small (not even a handful) piece of java moss and some other plant. I think what has allowed the lil ones to survive is that i have large pebbles in the bottom of half the tank - this means the eggs fall between the gaps where the adults can't get them and then somehow when they are born the survival of the fittest kicks in. I realise i could have had more survive by having a breeding tank etc and have tried this a couple of times but i am not vigilant enough :roll:

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