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Amonia- production and where it comes from most


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poo, pee, gills....

all can contribute to amonia

where does amonia come from most

when a fsh eats, i poos and pees i assume:D but does the amonia come from that mostly or from its gills?

so even if you dont feed it

the remnants of food in its belly and/or the fish using energy produce it?

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hi henward

ammonia comes out of the back end of the fish, poos and wees :o

the gills are used to take in oxygen from the water that is passed over them

fish can drown when there is no dissolved oxygen in the water

or the gill filaments are coated or collapse ie when they are taken out of water

increasing the surface disturbance in the tank will help to increase dissolved oxygen in the water

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Humans excrete urea in their urine and fish excrete urea also including through the gills. I don't know if fish excrete all their urine through the gills but it is this that makes men sit cross legged when thinking about a little fish that tracks the urea and ends up in the wrong place with humans if they swim in its habitat. Bacteria change nitrogen compounds like urea to ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and back again. I am not sure if fish excrete ammonia also.

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You are correct Alan, the so called "dick fish" (among other names), of South American rivers, detects it's prey by smelling the ammonia which guide it into the larger fishes gills where it lodges itself by spreading it's frontal spines, then locates and bites blood vessels for food. The victim fish will sometimes writhe around frantically for a few minutes before dieing, or a bigger fish may survive.

It is true that some people have fallen victim to this fish when they urinated while swimming, the fish is small enough to swim right up both male and female urinary tracts, I saw a video of a human victim of this the result was so nasty I don't even want to talk about it here!

The advice is if swimming in a SA river wear tight fitting underwear.

But anyway, yes, ammonia is excreted through gas & chemical exchanges that take place via the gills.

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