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Is meat ok?


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I have heard all sorts of things so I stick with feeding my fish food from cold blooded (or water based) sources.. The theory goes that cattle and other warm blooded animals have a different cell structure and apparently fish cannot digest it and this fat gets stored on their liver causing problems.

I feed my fish shrimp which I get from the super market when its on special, so would recommend you do that.

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I was at Charles Mitchell's last week, he is the guy trying to farm whitebait, particularly the kokopu and inanga.

He was feeding his big kokopu on ox heart. He said to cut off all the fat (not good for fish or water quality), cut it into strips and freeze it. Then he gets out a strip or two and cuts it very fine with a knife and drops it straight in. Apparently it is a good very nutritious food.

I tried to find one at the supermarket just now but they were out.

I wouldn't bother with sausage, too much other rubbish.

I have also heard of people using cat/dog food. I would worry about it falling apart and mucking up the water. Also cat/dog food has an absurd amount of non meat. The cheaper ones have more cereal and beaks/toes/skin etc. If it says 'with beef' etc, it means beef is not the main ingredient or a high enough percentage to be called 'beef'. Another bit of useless information...

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Best part of the cow or chicken to feed your fish. It's all muscle and hardly any fat.

Cheap to buy from a butcher or supermarket as it's classed as offal ;)

Like the others have said, sausages probably isn't the best food because of the fat in it, but an Oscar will usually eat anything thats even close to edible :lol:


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