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siamese fighter question

Mrs Frog

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Can only keep 1 male fighter per tank. This means you can't have females in the same tank as the male either unfortunately.

You can however have multiple females in the same tank, without a male. I have heard of them to nip occasionally but it's usually OK I believe.

I've also heard of 1 male fighter and multiple females (5+, I don't think 2 would cut it) in one tank but I personally wouldn't recommend it. It's really a trial and error... just have back up tanks ready in case you have to seperate them.

All fighters tend to have different personality. One of mine for example is incredibly shy and hides a lot, while the other is vicious and flares at anything... including stupid snails 8)

They're selfish little things :evil:

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For those not going to the meeting----They are called fighters because the males fight. The males are also agressive drivers and can beat up on females that are not ready to spawn. Females are OK together and a spawning of males and females can be kept together until they start fighting but males are best on their own (there are exceptions but not usually worth the risk) The males are seperated out but able to see each other in order to encourage fin development.

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I've kept 1 male and 1 female in a 200L community tank for a while. The female gets her fins nipped occasionally but she is really tough.

I've heard different stories too, someone kept 1 male with 3 females and the male killed the females.

Then I've also heard of females ganging up and killing the male.

Totally depends on the fish.

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and it is really friendly .... if you put your finger in the tank it will come up and wrap itself around you. Only issue is that now I have lost one of my Keyhole Ciclids the Fighter has taken to occaisonally chasing the other one.

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Hi All.

Stargazer, it is not possible to keep two males together in small tanks.

If you must keep two in the same tank then I suggest you keep it in a REALLY BIG Pickle jar and float it in the tank.

I would even suggest that maybe you could also place a LARGE Jar on "Top of the Tank" as the heat would transfer into it.

Good luck.


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