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Info/thoughts please

Mrs Frog

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I lost my baby Son to stillbirth 7mths ago and ever since my fish and tanks have become a major cool hobby for me. I am now thinking that I would like to put my time and effort (I have a lot of both), into maybe a particular species or two that I could breed and on sell to make some money. In saying this though...what species I wonder?? I want to start with fish that are reasonably easy to breed and that will be fish that people/a market wants.

So any ideas on what species I should head toward? Has anyone else been able to breed fish and make enough money from selling them to put back into their hobby (this is my goal as I would love a nice big flash tank and all the gears :))

I love tropical fish and I have found them to be an amazing relief in my grief and I'm willing to put hard work into getting myself set up to breed....your help would be real nice too :)


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I spoke with my LFS bloke about something similar. He suggested Kribs which are popular and he said there were often not enough to meet the demand being imported/bred. They are also fairly easy to breed.

My advice would be to speak to your LFS and see what they suggest. Obviously a beginner breeder will make less money than someone with the time and facilities for more exotic and sellable fish.

You might find that initially you get shop credit rather than cash for your efforts.

Have a look at this too...


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I spoke with my LFS bloke about something similar. He suggested Kribs which are popular and he said there were often not enough to meet the demand being imported/bred. They are also fairly easy to breed.

My advice would be to speak to your LFS and see what they suggest. Obviously a beginner breeder will make less money than someone with the time and facilities for more exotic and sellable fish.

You might find that initially you get shop credit rather than cash for your efforts.

Have a look at this too...


Hi, even shop credit would be good lol. This isn't the cheapest hobby to start huh :) I take it LFS means local fish shop?? If thats the case...we don't have one! We have 3 petshops available....that sell some fish.

I've never heard of Kribs before, I'll have to go and look them up. I just recently joined the FNZAS club and I like the look of the breeding scheme :)

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Breed easy to breed fish that go in community tanks.. Guppies bristlenoses swordtails etc, danios or other egg scatters are good also, you should get some store credit or even sell for a little to locals or get some others interested you need to make sure you breed stuff you can actually sell/give away so you don't get all your tanks overrun with them..

yes the other fish do sell for more but most of them are specialized take alot of work large tanks and where you are I don't imagine much market, ive spent 2 and half years in blenheim fishless and often drove around wondering if people kept fish down there lol.

Good luck im sure all of us are trying to sell enough fish to pay the power bill and in my case keep the wife happy lol

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Hi Ya Mrs Frog,

Sorry to hear about yor son.

I seem to remember you said you live near Havlock.

So dont forget that Nelson has some established shops/traders in fish as well. And some of them also service the West Coast so that may be another option to look at for a market for your fish.

My advice to you is start small and cheep and then go from there. You will get less mark up on these fish but they are a great learning curve and what they often lack in profit they make up for in volume. Also if a few are lost in the process then you are not so out of pocket.

Research they fish you can keep in your type of water, tie that in with demand and transport options and go from there.

Easiest is best and less hassle is better...lol...if you get what I mean.

But if that were the case then I would have fish and no one would have wifes...or ex wifes for that matter (just joking)

Good luck and I cant wait to see what you decide on



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I think you'll find the lfs she referred to were in Nelson Navarre. She is halfway between there and Blenheim. Blenheim only has a garden centre with a few tanks of basic species only. OK selection of foods and equipment though.

Welcome to the Marlborough Aquarium Club Mrs Frog :wink:

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Guppies,platties and swordtails are always in demand at pet shops but the biggest seller so I have been told by a couple of shop owners are comets (goldfish).

I'm thinking about guppies...and I love them myself. But was wondering if too many people may already have a good supply for the petshops...I'll have to find out.

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Breed easy to breed fish that go in community tanks.. Guppies bristlenoses swordtails etc, danios or other egg scatters are good also, you should get some store credit or even sell for a little to locals or get some others interested you need to make sure you breed stuff you can actually sell/give away so you don't get all your tanks overrun with them..

yes the other fish do sell for more but most of them are specialized take alot of work large tanks and where you are I don't imagine much market, ive spent 2 and half years in blenheim fishless and often drove around wondering if people kept fish down there lol.

Good luck im sure all of us are trying to sell enough fish to pay the power bill and in my case keep the wife happy lol

My line of thinking...keep the fish small and do large numbers of them. I think fish that are too big could be a hassle.

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Hi Ya Mrs Frog,

Sorry to hear about yor son.

I seem to remember you said you live near Havlock.

So dont forget that Nelson has some established shops/traders in fish as well. And some of them also service the West Coast so that may be another option to look at for a market for your fish.

My advice to you is start small and cheep and then go from there. You will get less mark up on these fish but they are a great learning curve and what they often lack in profit they make up for in volume. Also if a few are lost in the process then you are not so out of pocket.

Research they fish you can keep in your type of water, tie that in with demand and transport options and go from there.

Easiest is best and less hassle is better...lol...if you get what I mean.

But if that were the case then I would have fish and no one would have wifes...or ex wifes for that matter (just joking)

Good luck and I cant wait to see what you decide on



lol thanks. Yeah I know what you mean...don't tell hubby! Thanks for the advice and I totally agree with what you're saying :)

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I think you'll find the lfs she referred to were in Nelson Navarre. She is halfway between there and Blenheim. Blenheim only has a garden centre with a few tanks of basic species only. OK selection of foods and equipment though.

Welcome to the Marlborough Aquarium Club Mrs Frog :wink:

Thanks :bounce: :bounce:

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