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i just bought a 1180 litre tank! warrens tank!!


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getting it shipped from napier where warren is and sent to me in auckland

i still deemed it viable in term sof cost doing so. its a nice tank.

i forgot who that guy was that does comm aro tank shere

if you read this, let me know want more info

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well its a bigger tank

alot biggr than the other 8fter

but i am still thinking what,

definately gotta hav aros in there. was thinkin 3 aroa, silvers

or maybe mixng 2 aros and my jardinii,and lots of other fish, dont know what will happen though. im still thinking, asking people over seas with jaridinii experience and stuff too.

but pacu, silverdollars and spotted mytenis and redhook metyni to collect the whole set. ten iant gourami. silver aros, jaguar cichlid?appolo shark, pink tc, borneo tiger, couple ofbichirs maybe

ill have to see what else

suggestions welcome:)

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yeah, but p[acus take ages to get ver 80 cms:D

its ok, ill enjoy them till then.

it took mine 2.5yrs to get to 55cm

this tank has a foot on that tank, once theyreach that size, growth is slower:)ill give it a go if i ca find a pacu

but its not easy finding one, petshops dont sell them anymore

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im wanting 3 aros in there, now im unsure

the jadinii is rather aggressive towards large fish. anything smaller that cant fit in its mouth but doesnt seem to be a threat to food, it does not care for, but when i put larger silver dollars in there, it harasses them, nothin too serious but enough to make the silver dollars not as active.

but - theory is that if you put enough big fish, the jar cannot harass them all enough, so it should be ok:D well, theory, asking over seas forums with jar comm tanks and aro comms to see if they had any experience.

was thinking 2 silvers, one jar, and ther large fish in there.

or myb een 3 silvers one jar the tank is big enough i think

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i am leaning away from mixing aros now except silvers only

every forum says that jardinii generaly will never get alongwith other aros!

sad:( jardinii has to be such a grumpy bum! (grumpy bum is what my gf named that jar)

noticed something different with the jar

i feed it prawns and only prawns, frozen pink ooked prawns from supermarket.

when i put it in there, it used to wait for it to melt, and swallow then wait awhile then eat again

now i can put 7 to 9 pieces of prawns, succesivly quickly, and it will eat, swallow and eat again swallow very quickly.

strange change in behaviour.

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