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overflows that you hang on the side


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I've seen this on Trademe, 'LINK'. Are these any good because I'm interested in putting one on my tank. HFF also sells similar units - are they any good?
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hi, i have exactly one of these on my marine tank.

it is a very good starter to get it to the sump but there are a couple of problems:

when you get the plumbing device to alter the water flow to the sump it is very tempermental... ie can spend upto 5 hours fighting with it (or maybe i'm useles :-? )

and even though people say low loise it is still louder than a normal overflow (in my opinion).

so only get it if you already have the tank setup or it is not in a main living/sleeping area.

But next time i will spend the extra $60 and get a tank with a corner overflow.

hope this helps in some way :oops: :roll:

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how does the water keep going down the tubes?

does it work in a normal syphon action? or will it start as the water enters the inlet?

return pump returns water to the tank and keepspushing water down into the inlet... but do you have to start a syphon action?

meaning if there is a power cut, and syphon action stops, you have to re start manually?

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so long as you fill the bent pipe that goes into tank to start it will work automatically at start of power during power cut

the bent pipe always remains full of water as both ends are in the water

the one i run has the pipe going to sump from the hang on box at the same height as the tank water level this ensures the pipes are always full

as the sump pump starts back up it automatically flows into tube in tank and starts the process again

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The one I saw in use was similar but there was a T in the center of the hump extending upwards for 200mm or so with a cap and a valve to suck the air out. The guy said that its so there is lots of space for the disolved air to come out before the sipon will get broken, he sucked the air out every month or so.

Also, doesnt the pipe ending at the tank surface make it suck air? the others I have seen have it stop well under the tank level.

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