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Earthquake - and I'm home alone!


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Twas a good wobbly here too, I was just talking to one of my daughters on the bed, and she says 'why is the fishtank water sloshing around?' - she's only six and should have been asleep, anyway!

Went downstairs to check the tanks, and the cat was sitting up on the top shelf in her box with her tongue sticking out and a surprised look on her face as if to say - what the....?

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apparently the whole country felt it. i rang mum at home in nelson and she felt and ive had a look on the earthquake website and all the drums through out nz have readings on them.

we had one here in whakatane last night and it had a focal point of 0. if the one tonight had had a focal point of 0 we wouldnt be having this conversation!

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yea the one last night was big, but nothing compared to this one. last nights one wasnt actually 0km deep, the sensors wernt accurate enough to calculate its depth. but yes if the earthquale just now was much shallower we may have all been in trouble...well those of us close enough

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felt it here too :) A message popped up from someone my wife was talking too in palmy (half an hour away) saying there was an earthquake, I had enough time to read it and think hmm if theres an earthquake in palmy shouldn't there be one here.. And it hit pretty big here shouldn't have my tank filled too close to the unused overflow...

And I may have been contacted by someone asking if it was possible to supply 50 dem's...

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Was a reasonable one here too. Had the tank sloshing right to the limit but it didn't quite overflow. It went for about 2 minutes here. Had a couple of power surges too. You could hear the rumble from the quake about 5 seconds before it actually hit. I like nice long gentle ones like this as you feel better about the pressure being let go softly instead of it being all saved up for one big sharp hit. At least I like to think that's the way it works...

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The quake, which was more powerful than the 1987 Edgecumbe earthquake, was centred 50 kilometres south of Gisborne at a depth of 40 kilometres. But the Edgecumbe quake was much shallower than tonight's quake.

Telephones in the Gisborne area are currently down.

The earthquake was strongly felt in the Eastern Bay of Plenty and as far south as Wellington.

(evil they going into my 325L getting rid of everything they are so boring so once they gop i tell ryan he gets some ready then i pay then they get sent)

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now now rogan don't start that again :) remember what happened last time!

I don't think you would need a tank all that big for 50 dem's I had 40 africans in a 260L tank with a heap of filters in it for a few months and some of them were 15cm+ nothing managed to breed but they lived :) Dems are smaller so would do better :)

Anyway earthquakes suck!

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hahahahahahaha roagn shall we start again is that what your proposing? lol no rogan i am selling everything and cleaning out my tank new gravle etc etc then will full it back up wait 6 weeks i think it is then buy the dems oh and i could go hutt pets 2moz and buy a 25cm aro if i wanted to so shut up.

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From a friend who'se parents live in Gisborne

Mum slightly shaken, part of the building across the road from her work came down. They have no power or landlline phones. She rang me from her cell phone.

Can't get hold of dad, he doesn't have a cell phone....guess what he is getting for his next birthday!

My poor Bro was at his work in Napier on the 3rd floor, he though he was going to be sick from the rocking!

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