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What sort of sand do people use?


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Uhhh...Could you narrow it down a bit? People use just about any kind of sand in their tanks. Some use sandblasting sand, some use beach sand, some use river sand, some use pool filter sand, some use propogating sand, some use coarse sand, some use find sand, some use light colored sand, some use dark colored sand. Some use angular sand, some use rounded sand, some use lots of sand, some use a little sand, some use pile the sand up towards the back, some have it level...

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The sand I used was from Mitre10 Mega. It was a non-brand Fine Sand, 0-3mm. $5.30 for 25kgs. It is really fine, I have 20+ Kuhli and 4 Horeseface Loaches and they love it.

To clean it I put a few inches in the bottom of a 20L bucket, filled it up with the hose while swirling it round. The scum floats, pour it out slowly and the sand will stay in the bottom of the bucket, repeat 2 or 3 times till the sand is clean.

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The sand I used was from Mitre10 Mega. It was a non-brand Fine Sand, 0-3mm. $5.30 for 25kgs. It is really fine, I have 20+ Kuhli and 4 Horeseface Loaches and they love it.

To clean it I put a few inches in the bottom of a 20L bucket, filled it up with the hose while swirling it round. The scum floats, pour it out slowly and the sand will stay in the bottom of the bucket, repeat 2 or 3 times till the sand is clean.

You talking about cleaning before use?

Thats exactly what i did

i would just hate cleaning it as the plecos etc might get in the way

Its not hard, just siphon/scoop it out

Plecos are poooooooo machine's :o

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Did you use the sand for tropical or marine? Does the sand have salt in it? Does the sand come in different colours?

:bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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I use childs sandpit sand from Mitre 10. Still needs a wash first and it does compact down so occasionally you have to run a big comb or suchlike through it to ensure any gases are released to stop them building up to toxic levels. (so i'm led to believe from reading the internet)

It looks great in a corner quarter of the tank against riverstones for the rest. Keeping convicts in that one, started with 2, now two fine large parents and about 60 happily surviving fry.

PS Want to get rid of the convicts to try an African Ciclid tank.

message me if your interested, pick up only.

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