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Can you elaborate? Tell us what about your fish does not look like the pearl danios? (We only have your picture to go on right now)

From the picture it looks virtually identical. Like that picture off the web could actually be your very own picture!

So tell us what you see on your fish that is different so we know to stop suggesting pearl danio plz. :)

Does it have a stripe we can't see? Is it bigger than a pearl danio? Are its fins different... ? Or have you just seen 'other' pearl danios that didn't look like this one?

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But you haven't had it long right? Maybe it's being cheeky and not showing you it's best flush of colour yet ? :)

How bout this one? (Danio Roseus apparently?!)


BUT.. read here.. it says that pearl danios are silvery when they're young.

Maybe you've got a youngster? :) IT also compares the Roseus ones to the pearls and says you can tell by the number of rays in the anal fin and by the barbels.

http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... cle_id=334

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Your pic's a little hard for me to see (due to my screen going pink :x )

But I'd say it looks like a danio too....

Pearls in my local store look VERY much lighter and hardly any pink or blue on them and more silver looking.

To start off with I didn't really like them much as there colour really wasn't much.

BUT in my tank they look GREAT! colour has REALLY come out in them!

so .....may be thats it?

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