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Prazi & Discus


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Okay my discus were flashing quite badly for 2 weeks particularly at night an spending alot of time hiding in plants and driftwood but were stil eating - now they are out a bit more during night and during the day and I don't seem to spot any flashing at all, they still take of and dartacross the tank from time to time

I have prazi to treat do you think its a good idea to go ahead with this as I don't see that much flashing anymore - could it do any harm I hear its quite gentle stuff?

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Sorry to be a nusinance just to be 100% certain using prazi to keep the flukes in check will not cause any damage or drama to the fish and I should treat for 3 days in a row right then do a good vac?

Do a 50% wg and vac at the same time.

Then dose the tank with prazi. Wait 48 hrs and wc again. Redose and wait another 48 before a big wc and vac. Then go back to normal mantainance.


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That would be right. The drench is Ad-Tape used on farm animals (and thanks to Purplecatfish for that info!!) and it would work out much cheaper than Droncit and be easier to dose (but a little trickier to work out the correct dose since its more concentrated!)

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